labcodes / django-react-boilerplate

Boilerplate for a Django + React project
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This is Labcodes' boilerplate for django apps with frontend SPAs. We're currently using React and Vite to manage the frontend.

The boilerplate is PWA, HMR and code splitting ready (and a couple of other acronyms as well).

It's still on beta, so expect little bugs to happen. They shouldn't, but if they pop up, add an issue, and we'll get right to it!


First, to install our dependencies, we require:

On Ubuntu>=18.04, you also need:

The easiest way to get started with this boilerplate is to run:

wget --no-cache -P /tmp/ && bash /tmp/

It downloads the current code, unpacks it, then sets up nvm and dependencies. You may check the code and run it manually as well, it's inside :]

If everything went right, you should have a server running at localhost:8000. Visit that on your browser to make sure everything is working <3

Installing it manually

If the script isn't working or you want to install everything manually, first download the zip with the boilerplate from github, run poetry shell to activate the virtualenv, then run make install_dependencies to install all dependencies.

With that done, the app is almost ready to be run! You just need to copy the env.example file to .env, so that the django app has access to evironment variables via python-decouple, then run python migrate to create a dev database, and finally make run, so that both vite and django run in parallel.

Running it

After installing, when you want to run the project locally, be sure to have your virtualenv active (running poetry shell from the project folder) and nvm set to the correct node version (by running nvm use on the project folder). If nvm is not found, try restarting your terminal or running make setup_node_environment manually.

Then, to run django and vite in parallel for development, just run:

make run

Since nvm can be a little fiddly, if you have any issues with it, try reading their documentation on how to use it.

Testing it

Run the command pytest in the main directory, or run the script make test.

For coverage report, run the script make cov. Your default browser will open with the report for the tests, if all tests pass.

Adding new dependencies

If you wish to add new dependencies, just note that:


There are a couple of things we suggest you do after installing the boilerplate.

You may want to: