labscommunity / arweave-wallet-kit

A React library for interaction with different Arweave wallets
MIT License
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Arweave Wallet Kit

React Hooks and Components for better interaction with Arweave wallets. Modular, can support any Arweave-based wallet.

The Arweave Wallet Kit is in BETA. Please report bugs at the issues tab.

Supported wallets


yarn add arweave-wallet-kit


npm i arweave-wallet-kit


To use the library, you'll need to wrap your application with the Kit Provider.

const App = () => {
  return (
      <YourApp />


The Arweave Wallet Kit can be configured with information about your application and with a custom theme.

      permissions: ["ACCESS_ADDRESS"],
      ensurePermissions: true,
      accent: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 },
    <YourApp />

App config

Using the config field of the <ArweaveWalletKit> provider component, you can define a name, a logo or the required permissions for your app.

Available options

Prop Type Default
permissions PermissionType[] [] Permissions to connect with.
ensurePermissions boolean  false Ensure that all required permissions are present. If false, it only checks if the app has any permissions.
appInfo AppInfo {} Information about your app (name/logo).
gatewayConfig GatewayConfig gateway Configuration for the Arweave gateway to use.

Custom theme

With the theme field, you can define a custom theme configuration for the Arweave Wallet Kit modals and buttons.

Available options

Prop Type
displayTheme "dark", "light" UI display theme to use
accent RGBObject RGB accent color for the UI
titleHighlight RGBObject RGB accent color for the subscreen titles (like the connection screen)
radius "default", "minimal", "none" Border radius level used throughout the Kit UI
font Font Including font family used throughout the Kit UI

The font field in the theme configuration allows you to specify the font family to be used throughout the Kit UI. It should be an object with a fontFamily property, which is a string representing the font family. If nothing is specified, the default font family is Manrope with a fallback to the next available sans-serif font in the system.

Here's an example of how to use it:

    font: {
      fontFamily: "Arial"
    // other theme properties...

Terminology of Arweave Wallet Kit

Arweave Wallet Kit supports several strategies. The word strategy means an implementation of an Arweave Wallet in the Kit. These strategies allow the user to communicate with all wallets the same way and with the same API.

Connect Button

To quickly integrate the Arweave Wallet Kit, you can use the <ConnectButton> component. It is a highly customizable button that supports the ANS protocol to display information about the connected wallet.


  accent="rgb(255, 0, 0)"


You can configure the Connect Button through it's props.

Props Type
accent string  A theme color for the button
showBalance boolean Show user balance when connected
showProfilePicture boolean Show user profile picture when connected
useAns boolean Use ANS to grab profile information
profileModal boolean Show profile modal on click (if disabled, clicking the button will disconnect the user)


Inside the <ArweaveWalletKit>, you can use all kinds of hooks that are reactive to the different strategies. Some of the hooks / api functions might not be supported by all wallets.


The core hook for connecting / disconnecting a strategy.


const { connected, connect, disconnect } = useConnection();

// initiate connection
await connect();

// disconnect the connected strategy
await disconnect();

// is there a strategy connected?
connected ? "wallet connected" : "no connected wallet";


API hook. Returns the active strategy's API as an interactable object. Can be used to sign/encrypt, etc.

Some API functions might not be supported depending on the strategy the user chose. For example, Othent does not support the signature() function. Make sure to verify beforehand.


const api = useApi();

// sign
await api.sign(transaction);

// encrypt
await api.encrypt(...)


Toggle / display a modal with profile information and a disconnect button.

const profileModal = useProfileModal();



Active address hook. Requires the ACCESS_ADDRESS and the ACCESS_ALL_ADDRESSES permission.


const address = useActiveAddress();


Active address hook. Requires the ACCESS_PUBLIC_KEY permission.


const publicKey = usePublicKey();


Permissions hook. Returns the permissions given to the app, known by Arweave Wallet Kit.


const permissions = usePermissions();


All addresses hook. Returns the addresses in the connected wallet, known by Arweave Wallet Kit. Requires the ACCESS_ALL_ADDRESSES permission.


const addresses = useAddresses();


All addresses hook. Returns the addresses in the connected wallet, known by Arweave Wallet Kit. Requires the ACCESS_ALL_ADDRESSES permission.


const walletNames = useWalletNames();


Active strategy hook. Returns the currently used strategy's ID.


const strategy = useStrategy();