labstreaminglayer / App-BioSemi

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The program should support the entire ActiveTwo series of amplifiers by BioSemi (, including Mark 1 and Mark 2 amplifiers, analog input boxes, and so on. Daisy-chained multi-amp setups should work but have not yet been tested. While the application has a variety of customizable settings using it is as simple as clicking one button to get data collected.


Please first check the Releases page to see if there is a release there for you. If not then you may find and old version on the sccn (

You may also build the application from source though the project hasn't been updated in a while and will require some manual configuration.


== Optional ==

It is possible to record only a subset of channels (see EEG Channel Subset), or at a different sampling rate. Note that the EX channels are always recorded (even if they are blank). If you uncheck "Resample to 512 Hz" the app will stream out data at the native rate of the amp, which is 2Khz or more (depending on the speed mode setting); if you check it a resampling filter will be applied, which has characteristics very similar to MATLAB's built-in resample() function in terms of pre/post-ringing and antialiasing.

The remaining settings allow to assign certain types of meta-data to the recorded stream:

The configuration settings can be saved to a .cfg file (see File / Save Configuration) and subsequently loaded from such a file (via File / Load Configuration). Importantly, the BioSemi program can be started with a command-line argument of the form "BioSemi.exe -c myconfig.cfg", which allows to load the config automatically at start-up. The recommended procedure to use the BioSemi app in production experiments is to make a shortcut on the experimenter's desktop which points to a previously saved configuration customized to the study being recorded to minimize the chance of operator error.

== Rebuilding ==


Build instructions:

Old notes from Wiki

Further Settings

All other settings are meta-data that are attached to the stream without affecting the signal but which can help making sense of the data during later analysis. They are primarily for record-keeping by the experimenters.

Other Notes

A time synchronization measurement between the BioSemi amplifier with analog input box and the AudioCaptureWin app has shown a signal alignment within 5ms. More precisely, the BioSemi signal was lagging by ca. 4ms, which could be due to driver or USB overhead -- if you make your own sync measurements, please let us know of the outcome.