labstreaminglayer / App-emotiv

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LabStreamingLayer application for Emotiv (Legacy SDK only)

Authors: David Medine at SCCN, UCSD Chadwick Boulay at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute


Build Instructions

Windows x64 + Cmake only

  1. Open a Command Prompt and change into this directory.
  2. Make a build subdirectory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Call cmake
    • cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
      • customize with other generators
        • Only MSVC x64 seems to work right now
        • Compiler version must match Qt and Boost binaries.
      • customize with your own -DQt5_DIR=C:\Qt\5.9.1\msvc2015_64\lib\cmake\Qt5
      • customize with your own -DLSL_ROOT=path/to/LSL/build/install dir.
      • customize with your own -DEDK_ROOT="path\to\Emotiv SDK Premium Edition v3.3.2" if not using 3.3.2 or 3.3.3 in default directory.
      • customize with your own -DBOOST_ROOT=C:\path\to\boost_ver\
  4. Open build\Emotiv.sln
  5. Change the configuration from Debug to Release
  6. Right click on INSTALL and build.
  7. In the labstreaminglayer/build/lslRelease/lslinstall dir, there should be LSLEmotiv/LSLEmotiv.exe and all the necessary dll files.

Usage Instructions

Running the app

  1. Run the EmotivXavierControlPanel. Note, on my Windows 10 system, I had to run it in Windows 8 compatibility mode.
  2. Launch the LSLEmotiv.exe app
  3. Select the sampling rate.
  4. Click on "Link" to connect to Emotiv.