lacetans / faceschool

Social network for educational institutions.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Social network for educational institutions.

Important paths /crear/ Leads you to a form in order to create a post. At the "name" field, you can write down some profanities to see if the word filter does its job correctly. (IT'S JUST A SAMPLE FORM!).

/badwlist/ Leads you to a list, you can see there all the bad words entered in the database, plus you have quite more options! Enter a word, import a TXT file for a massive input of profanities, and remove from the registry the bad word that you want. You have exactly the same functions in the /goodwlist/.

./imports That folder is where you can locate all the files that were uploaded via massive input.

A simple form declaration for the /crear/ form

./web/badwords.txt A sample for the massive input

./web/goodworst.txt A sample for the massive input

./web/ That file opens the massive input file and then saves its content into a DB

./web/ Removes specific words from the DB

./web/ That file is the filter itself. Compares a given string with a bad word, if matches, then compares the word with a list of white list words, if matches again, the post will publizise, if not, then it will not save.