lacolegiala / ot-project

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Find the pair game


The game is a classic memory game. There will be an even number of cards with pictures, all of which have a matching pair. The player's goal is to find matching pairs with as few card turns as possible.


Java version info

The project has been made with Java 8. Newer Java versions don't support JavaFX, so any problems occurring when running the program may be linked to that.


Working hours

Requirements analysis



Command line commands

Running the program

mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.mycompany.findthepair.Main


Running tests

mvn test

Generating the test report and viewing it

mvn jacoco:report

open target/site/jacoco/index.html

Generating jar

mvn package

will generate jar file findthepair-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Generating checkstyle report

mvn jxr:jxr checkstyle:checkstyle