ladeiko / node-apple-receipt-verify

A Node.js module for In-App-Purchase receipt validation for iOS.
MIT License
92 stars 25 forks source link

Update Makefile #5

Closed JoxC closed 6 years ago

JoxC commented 6 years ago

On ubuntu 14, when install, error occurs as below:

main.o: In function validate': main.c:(.text+0x327): undefined reference tod2i_PKCS7_bio' main.c:(.text+0x563): undefined reference to EVP_MD_CTX_init' main.c:(.text+0x568): undefined reference toEVP_sha1' main.c:(.text+0x57f): undefined reference to EVP_DigestInit_ex' main.c:(.text+0x59c): undefined reference toEVP_DigestUpdate' main.c:(.text+0x5c2): undefined reference to EVP_DigestUpdate' main.c:(.text+0x5e8): undefined reference toEVP_DigestUpdate' main.c:(.text+0x600): undefined reference to `EVP_DigestFinal_ex'

Put -lcrpyto at end of link command fix the issue. you can reference this link: