ladeiko / node-apple-receipt-verify

A Node.js module for In-App-Purchase receipt validation for iOS.
MIT License
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A Node.js module for Apple In-App-Purchase receipt validation for iOS.

Note: Storekit Versions:

This works module with the (older) Storekit API, the newer Storekit 2 uses JWT tokens which can be verified without an API call to Apple



Debug Logging

The module can optionally turn on verbose debug log.

In order to enable the verbose logging, give the following to .config():

var appleReceiptVerify = require('node-apple-receipt-verify');
  verbose: true


.config(options [object])

Initializes module. Can be called more than once to reconfigure module.

options: supports following keys:


Returns current global config.

.validate(options [object], callback [function (err, purchasedProducts [array of objects ])])

Validates an in-app-purchase receipt.

options: supports keys:

You can also add options passed to config(), they override default options.

callback [optional]: receives error or list of purchased products embedded in receipt.

The purchased products list has structure:

    bundleId: <string>,
    transactionId: <string>,
    productId: <string>,
    purchaseDate: <number>,
    quantity: <number>,
    *expirationDate: <number>,
    *isTrialPeriod: <boolean>,              // only for subscriptions and if extented = true
    *isInIntroOfferPeriod: <boolean>,       // only for subscriptions and if extented = true, since v1.5.1
    *environment: <string>,                 // only if extented = true
    *originalPurchaseDate: <number>,        // only if extented = true
    *applicationVersion: <string>,          // only if extented = true
    *originalApplicationVersion: <string>   // only if extented = true


const appleReceiptVerify = require('node-apple-receipt-verify');

// Common initialization, later you can pass options for every request in options
    secret: "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef",
    environment: ['sandbox']

// Callback version
    receipt: appleReceipt,
    device: '438498A7-4850-41DB-BCBE-4E1756378E39'
 }, (err, products) => {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
    // ok!

// Callback version without device
    receipt: appleReceipt
  }, (err, products) => {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
    // ok!

// Promise version
try {

  const products = await appleReceiptVerify.validate({
    receipt: appleReceipt,
    device: '438498A7-4850-41DB-BCBE-4E1756378E39'

  // todo
catch (e) {
  if (e instanceof appleReceiptVerify.EmptyError) {
    // todo
  else if (e instanceof appleReceiptVerify.ServiceUnavailableError) {
    // todo 

// Override environment
    receipt: appleReceipt,
    device: '438498A7-4850-41DB-BCBE-4E1756378E39',
    environment: ['sandbox' ]
  },  (err, products) => {
    if (err) {
        return console.error(err);
    // ok!


Errors can have additional optional properties:

Special errors

EmptyError - returned in case of receipt without purchase
const appleReceiptVerify = require('node-apple-receipt-verify');
const EmptyError = appleReceiptVerify.EmptyError;
ServiceUnavailableError - returned when Apple validation service returned, e.g: 503, etc.

You can retry request later.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details