lagadic / visp_ros

A basket of generic ros nodes based on ViSP library
GNU General Public License v2.0
40 stars 32 forks source link


visp_ros is an extension of ViSP library developed by Inria Rainbow team. While ViSP is independent to ROS, in visp_ros we benefit from ROS features.

visp_ros is compatible with ROS kinetic, melodic and noetic.

visp_ros contains a library:

visp_ros contains also a set of ROS nodes that allow to control specific hardware such as for the moment:

visp_ros contains also FrankaSim a simulator for a Franka Panda robot using CoppeliaSim. The simulation is a physical simulation with a dynamic model that has been accurately identified from a real Franka robot. paper.

If you are using this simulator we would appreciate that you cite this paper:

1. Installation

1.1. Install dependencies

Either you can install dependencies from existing packages, either from source.

Install dependencies from packages

Install ros-<distro>-visp and ros-<distro>-vision_visp packages that match your ros2 distribution (humble, rolling), as for example:

  $ sudo apt-get install ros-humble-visp ros-humble-vision_visp

Note: It may occur that vision_visp package is not available for your ros2 distro.

Once done, or if the packages are not existing jump to section 1.2.

Install dependencies from source

If you want to use the nodes that allow to control real robots such as Biclops PT head, Viper 650, Viper 850, Afma4, Afma6 or Franka robots, you need to build ViSP from source and install ViSP in /opt/ros/<distro> in order to overwrite any version that was already installed from packages. There are a couple of tutorials that may help. Below we recall the main instructions

1.2. Get visp_ros source

Get visp_ros package:

  $ cd $HOME/colcon_ws/src
  $ git clone

1.3. Build visp_ros package

To build visp_ros package run:

  $ cd $HOME/colcon_ws
  $ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DVISP_DIR=$VISP_WS/visp-build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

2. Usage
