laijiangshan / gam.hp

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gam.hp is an R package for Hierarchical partitioning for Adjusted R2 and Explained Deviance for Generalized Additive Models, to install it, please use the following command in R: library(devtools) install_github('laijiangshan/gam.hp',build_vignettes = TRUE)

If you haven't had devtools installed, please install it by typing "install.packages("devtools")" in R console.

please cite this paper if you use gam.hp package as:

Jiangshan Lai, Jing Tang, Tingyuan Li, Aiying Zhan, Lingfeng Mao. 2024. Evaluating the relative importance of predictors in Generalized Additive Models using the gam.hp R package. Plant Diversity, 46(4): 542-546