lairdshaw / fups

FUPS: Forum user-post scraper
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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FUPS: Forum user-post scraper

FUPS is an extensible PHP framework for scraping and outputting either (1) the posts of a specified user or, (2) all posts in specified forums, from a specified forum/board running supported forum software. Currently supported forum software is phpBB and XenForo. FUPS can be run as either a web app or as a commandline script.

Installation-free use

FUPS can be used pre-installed as a web app here:

Installing and using


PHP with the Client URL Library (cURL) installed. If running FUPS as a web app, then an additional dependency is a web server with PHP (with cURL) support. Tested on Apache and IIS but should work on other servers with minimal adjustment - the only Apache-specific file is output/.htaccess.

Installing and configuring

Download this repository to your filesystem, optionally under your web root if you wish to run FUPS as a web app (anywhere under your web root is fine - FUPS doesn't have to run from the top level directory).

Copy settings.default.php to settings.php and edit that file as appropriate. The most minimal case is to edit only the FUPS_DATADIR define, and to then ensure that the specified directory exists and is writeable by the user under whom FUPS will run. If running FUPS as a web app, this will be the same user that your web server runs as.

If running FUPS as a web app, also make sure that the "output" sub-directory is writeable by the user your web server runs as.

Using as a web app

Simply navigate to index.php. The rest should be self-explanatory. (In some of its backlinks, FUPS assumes that your web server is set up so that index.php is processed when the directory itself is accessed, but the core functionality will work fine even if this assumption, and those backlinks, fail).

If you are setting FUPS up on a publicly accessible web server, then you might want to create a cron job to run fups/scheduled-output-file-removal.php daily, and to then update the FUPS_SCHEDULED_DELETION_TASK_INTERVAL_IN_DAYS and FUPS_ROUTINE_DELETION_POLICY defines in settings.php. An appropriate default message for FUPS_ROUTINE_DELETION_POLICY is provided, commented out, so all that you need to do in the minimal case is to delete the preceding empty string and then uncomment that default message.

Using from the commandline

Create an options file. Then type:

php path/to/fups.php -i path/to/optionsfile.txt -o path/to/output-directory

If the output directory already exists and is not empty, then FUPS will append ".1" to the directory name that you supply. If that directory exists too, then FUPS will try instead appending ".2", etc.

Optionally, a -q parameter can be added to suppress status update messages. This parameter is not recommended if you expect the scrape to take longer than, or close to, your PHP max_execution_time ini setting, because in that case, FUPS will chain itself at some point and appear to have finished (the command prompt will reappear), and due to the lack of status update messages there will be nothing to indicate to you that it is still running (other than checking the contents of the status file in the directory you defined against FUPS_DATADIR in settings.php, or checking your operating system's process listing).

Depending on which forum software the forum you wish to scrape from runs, different options are available for your options file. Here are sample options files for both currently supported forum types - adjust these options as required. The meaning of each option is described further below.

Sample options files


extract_user=John Smith
login_user=Mary Jones
start_from_date=2014-10-17 19:46


start_from_date=2013-05-31 07:30

The options

First note that logging in to XenForo forums is not yet supported, hence the lack of login_user and login_password options for forums of that type.


The code


Super-quick start: the guts of the FUPS code (i.e. scraping and outputting the scraped posts) is in the classes subdirectory, especially in classes/CFUPSBase.php.

The "true" entry-point script into all of that though is fups.php, which is invoked either directly via commandline PHP, or by the web app as a background PHP process. What it does is described below.

Web app flow

  1. The user browses to index.php and clicks on the forum type.
  2. That click invokes enter-options.php, which shows options for the selected forum type, which the user then enters and submits. (This page also tests whether the user's browser is AJAX-capable by attempting to read the contents of ajax-test.txt via an AJAX call, and, if successful, it passes this information to the next step. Pedantic note: strictly speaking, FUPS doesn't use AJAX, but only because of the 'X' in 'AJAX' - the data FUPS transfers in this way is not entirely XML).
  3. This submission invokes run.php, which processes the user's options, and then (except in the case of user input error, in which case run.php displays an error message and does nothing further):
    1. Generates a unique token.
    2. Creates the following files in the FUPS_DATADIR directory, named based on the token: a settings file containing the options ("settings" and "options" are being used somewhat interchangeably to describe these user-supplied values and the file that stores them) entered by the user, an error file and a status file.
    3. Forks off fups.php to run in the background, invoking it via commandline PHP, and supplying it with the unique token via a -t parameter.
    4. Returns to the browser a status page, updating the contents of the status div via AJAX (through a call to ajax-get-status.php) if the browser was determined to be AJAX-capable in step #2, or otherwise via a full-page HTML meta refresh every 30 seconds. When the status file indicates to either ajax-get-status.php - or to run.php on full page refresh - that the fups.php process has completed, then the page updates to display a link to the scraped output (or it displays an error message if the fups.php process terminated due to error).

Manual commandline invocation flow

The user invokes fups.php as described in the section above, "Using from the commandline".

What the fups.php process does

  1. Parses its commandline parameters (which differ between web app and manual commandline invocations).
  2. Determines the name of the settings file based either on the -t (token) parameter (web app invocation) or the -i (input file) parameter (commandline invocation), and extracts from that file the value of the forum_type option.
  3. Checks that this is a supported forum type, and, if so, instantiates an object of the corresponding class from the corresponding file in the classes subdirectory, passing on to that object's constructor the parameters with which it was supplied (token or input file + output diretory and any "quiet" parameter), as well as whether it is running via a web app request or via a manual commandline invocation. During construction, the object reads the values from the settings file, validates them and stores them in a(n array) property of itself.
  4. Calls the run() method of that object. This method performs the scraping, regularly outputting status messages to either the status file or to standard error. The status file is used in the case of web invocation. In that case, ajax-get-status.php, on the receiving end of an indefinite AJAX request from the user's browser initiated by internal Javascript in the page rendered by run.php, monitors the status file for changes, which it returns to the browser when it detects them. Alternatively, if AJAX capability was not detected, then run.php itself checks the status file each time it (run.php) refreshes via the 30 second HTML meta refresh. Output of status messages to standard error is used in the case of manual commandline invocation.
  5. Unless a fatal error occurs, in the end, the run() method calls the write_output() method, which writes to a set of files in a directory either named after the unique token in the output sub-directory (web app invocation) or as stipulated via the -o parameter to fups.php (manual commandline invocation), and then fups.php (and thus the PHP process running it) exits.

At regular points in the run() method, the object checks whether enough time has elapsed that it must "chain" itself - that is to say, exit after serialising its current state (again, to a unique file in the FUPS_DATADIR directory) and then reinvoking fups.php with the same parameters with which it was originally invoked, plus an additional parameter, -c, to indicate that it is being chained and thus that fups.php must unserialise it from its serialisation file rather than creating it anew. "Chaining" works around the problem of web hosts fixing the maximum execution time of PHP scripts, because the scraping process can often exceed this limit.

Note that other files may or will be created in the FUPS_DATADIR by objects of the FUPSBase class and its descendants: in particular, a cookie file and an admin error file, which in the case of certain errors stores the full HTML of a problematic scraped page.

A lot more could be said about how the FUPSBase class and its descendants do their work, and how the FUPSBase class caters for extensibility, but it is beyond the scope of this document. Best is to simply explore the code (starting from FUPSBase->run()), and drop me a line if you have any questions! In any case, the following checklist for extending FUPS to support a new forum type might help further.

Extending FUPS (to support other forum software)

The steps to add support for a new type of forum software are:

  1. Create a new file in the "classes" subdirectory, and name that file C[forum_software_name].php, where [forum_software_name] is the correctly-capitalised identifier for the forum software - e.g. "phpBB", "XenForo" or "vBulletin". FUPS will auto-detect this file, and, based on its filename, add the forum software as both a selection on the main web app page, and as a valid forum_type option for manually generated options files.

  2. In that file, declare a class named [forum_software_name]FUPS which extends the FUPSBase class (in classes/CFUPSBase.php). This name (including correct capitalisation) is important because fups.php auto-instantiates it.

  3. Implement in your new class all abstract methods of FUPSBase. At time of writing, these are: get_forum_page_url(), get_post_url(), get_search_url(), get_topic_page_url(), get_topic_url() and get_user_page_url(). Also implement the static methods get_qanda_s(), get_forum_software_homepage_s() and get_msg_how_to_detect_forum_s(). You will probably also need to override the public get_settings_array() method, at least to stipulate a default value and description for the base_url setting. If your class is to support logging in, then also override check_do_login() and supports_feature(). Also, set the $regexps properties appropriately. Your biggest task will probably be working out appropriate regexes.

  4. If necessary, you can implement overrides of any of the provided hooks. Hook methods at time of writing are: ts_raw_hook(), find_author_posts_via_search_page__match_hook(), find_author_posts_via_search_page__end_hook(), get_post_contents__end_hook(), hook_after__init_user_post_search(), hook_after__user_post_search(), hook_after__topic_post_sort(), hook_after__posts_retrieval(), hook_after__extract_per_thread_info(), hook_after__handle_missing_posts(), hook_after__download_images(), hook_after__write_output(), scrape_forum_pg__end_hook() and scrape_topic_page__end_hook(. Finally, if necessary you can override the validate_settings() method.