laktak / zfind

search for files (even inside tar/zip/7z/rar) using a SQL-WHERE filter
MIT License
381 stars 4 forks source link
cli find sql


zfind allows you to search for files, including inside tar, zip, 7z and rar archives. It makes finding files easy with a filter syntax that is similar to an SQL-WHERE clause. This means, if you know SQL, you don't have to learn or remember any new syntax just for this tool.

Basic Usage & Examples

zfind <where> [<path>...]


# find files smaller than 10KB, in the current path
zfind 'size<10k'

# find files in the given range in /some/path
zfind 'size between 1M and 1G' /some/path

# find files modified before 2010 inside a tar
zfind 'date<"2010" and archive="tar"'

# find files named foo* and modified today
zfind 'name like "foo%" and date=today'

# find files that contain two dashes using a regex
zfind 'name rlike "(.*-){2}"'

# find files that have the extension .jpg or .jpeg
zfind 'ext in ("jpg","jpeg")'

# find directories named foo and bar
zfind 'name in ("foo", "bar") and type="dir"'

# search for all files and show in long listing format
zfind 'name=""' -l

# show results in csv format
zfind --csv

Where Syntax

Example: '(size > 20M OR name = "temp") AND type="file"' selects all files that are either greater than 20 MB in size or are named temp.

Example: 'date > "2020-10-01"' selects all files that were modified after the specified date.

Example: '"name like "z%"' selects all files whose name starts with 'z'.

Example: '"type in ("file", "link")' selects all files of type file or link.

Example: '"date between "2010" and "2011-01-15"' means that all files that were modified from 2010 to 2011-01-15 will be included.

Example: '"name not like "z%"', '"date not between "2010" and "2011-01-15"', '"type not in ("file", "link")'


The following file properties are available:

name description
name name of the file
path full path of the file
container path of the container (if inside an archive)
size file size (uncompressed)
date modified date in YYYY-MM-DD format
time modified time in HH-MM-SS format
ext short file extension (e.g., txt)
ext2 long file extension (two parts, e.g., tar.gz)
type file, dir, or link
archive archive type: tar, zip, 7z, rar or empty

Helper properties

name description
today today's date
mo last monday's date
tu last tuesday's date
we last wednesday's date
th last thursday's date
fr last friday's date
sa last saturday's date
su last sunday's date

Supported archives

name extensions
tar .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.bz2, .tbz2, .tar.xz, .txz
zip .zip
7zip .7z
rar .rar

Note: use the flag -n (or --no-archive) to disable archive support. You can also use 'not archive' in your query but this still requires zfind to open the archive.


zfind does not implement actions like find, instead use xargs -0 to execute commands:

zfind --no-archive 'name like "%.txt"' -0 | xargs -0 -L1 echo

zfind can also produce --csv that can be piped to other commands.


Set the environment variable NO_COLOR to disable color output.


Binary releases

You can download the official zfind binaries from the releases page and place it in your PATH.

Homebrew (macOS and Linux)

For macOS and Linux it can also be installed via Homebrew:

brew install zfind

Arch Linux

zfind is available in the AUR as zfind:

paru -S zfind

Build from Source

Building from the source requires Go.

go install
git clone
# output is here:

zfind as a Go module

zfind is can also be used in other Go programs.

go get

The library consists of two main packages:

For more information see the linked documentation on