lambda-fairy / gensokyo

:cherry_blossom: The cute operating system
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 0 forks source link



Gensokyo is my toy OS. There's not much stuff here right now, but feel free to look through & learn from what's here!


You will need:

Step 0: install Rust

Gensokyo uses experimental Rust features, and so needs the nightly version of the compiler.

If you're using rustup, you can switch to nightly with the following command:

rustup default nightly

Step 1: install an EFI cross toolchain

Since UEFI uses a funny executable format (PE subsystem 10), you'll need to install a custom linker to build programs for it.

Grab the latest version of binutils, and ./configure it with --target=x86_64-efi-pe. Then install the result somewhere in your $PATH.

Arch Linux users can try building from the AUR instead, but note that this version is (as of 2016-06-02) out of date.

Step 2: grab the code

Grab all the code using this command:

git clone --recursive

Step 3: build the thing

To build the system, simply type make. This will compile the EFI executable and generate two images: an CD image (gensokyo.iso) and a hard disk image (gensokyo.gpt).

You can run either image using any reputable UEFI implementation. If QEMU is installed, you can run it with make qemu. If you're using VirtualBox instead, be sure to tick the "Enable EFI" option in the settings.


The code includes a tiny bit of documentation. To read it, run make doc and browse target/x86_64-efi-pe/doc.