lambdaclass / zksync_era_precompiles

Yul precompile library to speedup elliptic curves operations.
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 19 forks source link

zkSync Era Precompiles

DISCLAIMER: This implementation is still being developed and has not been reviewed or audited. Use at your own risk.

This is a precompile library implemented in Yul to speed up arithmetic operations of elliptic curves. In the next weeks, we will add more optimizations and benchmarks.

Current Status

Precompile MVP Optimized Optional Future Optimizations Audited Comments
ecAdd Montgomery SOS Squaring -
ecMul Montgomery SOS Squaring + Mul GLV -
ecPairing - 🏗️ -
modexp - 🏗️ -
P256VERIFY Montgomery SOS Squaring -
secp256k1VERIFY Montgomery SOS Squaring -


Gas Consumption

Used Algorithms

Arithmetic Operation ecAdd ecMul modexp P256VERIFY secp256k1VERIFY
Prime Field Arithmetic Addition Montgomery Modular Addition Montgomery Modular Addition Big Unsigned Integer Addition Montgomery Modular Addition Montgomery Modular Addition
Subtraction Montgomery Modular Subtraction Montgomery Modular Subtraction Big Unsigned Integer Subtraction With Borrow Montgomery Modular Subtraction Montgomery Modular Subtraction
Multiplication Montgomery Modular Multiplication Montgomery multiplication Big Unsigned Integer Multiplication Montgomery multiplication Montgomery multiplication
Exponentiation - - Binary exponentiation - -
Inversion Modified Binary Extended GCD (adapted for Montgomery Form) Modified Binary Extended GCD (adapted for Montgomery Form) - Modified Binary Extended GCD (adapted for Montgomery Form) Modified Binary Extended GCD (adapted for Montgomery Form)
Elliptic Curve Arithmetic Addition Addition in Affine Form Addition in Homogeneous Projective Form - Addition in Homogeneous Projective Form Addition in Homogeneous Projective Form
Double Double in Affine Form Double in Homogeneous Projective Form - Double in Homogeneous Projective Form Double in Homogeneous Projective Form
Scalar Multiplication - Double-and-add - Double-and-add Double-and-add


You can find a curated list of helpful resources that we've used for guiding our implementations in References


Follow the instructions below to setup the repo and run a development L2 node.

Running an era-test-node

Run one of the following commands to have a working test node.

make run-node
make run-node-light # no call trace, no hash resolving, and no gas details

Run the tests

If you want to run all the tests:

make test

If you want to run a specific test:

make test PRECOMPILE=<precompile_name>

To pull changes zk sync era node LC fork on the precompiles branch

git subtree pull --prefix=.test-node-subtree --squash lambdaclasss_precompiles

To push changes from local node to the branch

This should be used if for example a precompile is added or modified, and we want to push the chanes to the fork upstream

git subtree push -P .test-node-subtree lambdaclasss_precompiles