Training a DRL agent to play Flappy Bird. Includes implementations of DQN, A2C, and PPO methods.
Demo of RL Agent:
# General format of commands
python --algo=<dqn, a2c, ppo> --mode=<train, eval>
# So, for example, to train a2c:
python --algo=a2c --mode=train
# To play a game using dqn:
python --algo=dqn --mode=eval --weights_dir=exp1/
# You canalso visualize your results via TensorBoard
tensorboard --logdir <exp_name>
For more options, run
python -h
usage: [-h] [--algo {dqn,a2c,ppo}] [--mode {train,evaluation}]
[--exp_name EXP_NAME] [--weights_dir WEIGHTS_DIR]
[--n_train_iterations N_TRAIN_ITERATIONS]
[--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
[--len_agent_history LEN_AGENT_HISTORY]
[--discount_factor DISCOUNT_FACTOR] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--initial_exploration INITIAL_EXPLORATION]
[--final_exploration FINAL_EXPLORATION]
[--final_exploration_frame FINAL_EXPLORATION_FRAME]
[--replay_memory_size REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE]
[--n_workers N_WORKERS]
[--buffer_update_freq BUFFER_UPDATE_FREQ]
[--entropy_coeff ENTROPY_COEFF]
[--value_loss_coeff VALUE_LOSS_COEFF]
[--max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM] [--grad_clip GRAD_CLIP]
[--log_frequency LOG_FREQUENCY]
[--save_frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY] [--n_actions N_ACTIONS]
[--frame_size FRAME_SIZE]
drl-experiment options
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--algo {dqn,a2c,ppo} run the network in train or evaluation mode
--mode {train,evaluation}
run the network in train or evaluation mode
--exp_name EXP_NAME name of experiment, to be used as save_dir
--weights_dir WEIGHTS_DIR
name of model to load
--n_train_iterations N_TRAIN_ITERATIONS
number of iterations to train network
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate
--len_agent_history LEN_AGENT_HISTORY
number of stacked frames to send as input to networks
--discount_factor DISCOUNT_FACTOR
discount factor used for discounting return
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--initial_exploration INITIAL_EXPLORATION
epsilon greedy action selection parameter
--final_exploration FINAL_EXPLORATION
epsilon greedy action selection parameter
--final_exploration_frame FINAL_EXPLORATION_FRAME
epsilon greedy action selection parameter
--replay_memory_size REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE
maximum number of transitions in replay memory
--n_workers N_WORKERS
number of actor critic workers
--buffer_update_freq BUFFER_UPDATE_FREQ
refresh buffer after every x actions
--entropy_coeff ENTROPY_COEFF
entropy regularization weight
--value_loss_coeff VALUE_LOSS_COEFF
value loss regularization weight
--max_grad_norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
norm bound for clipping gradients
--grad_clip GRAD_CLIP
magnitude bound for clipping gradients
--log_frequency LOG_FREQUENCY
number of batches between each tensorboard log
--save_frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY
number of batches between each model save
--n_actions N_ACTIONS
number of game output actions
--frame_size FRAME_SIZE
size of game frame in pixels
An agent in state s ∈ S takes an action a ∈ A which moves it into another state s'. The environment gives a reward r ∈ R as feedback; the mechanism for which an agent chooses an action in a state s is known as its policy π(a|s). At a given time step t, the agent aims to take an action s.t. it maximizes its future reward Rt = rt + γrt+1 + γ2rt+2 + ... + + γn-trn = rt + γRt+1. Here, γ is a discount factor which adjusts for the fact that future predictions tend to be less reliable.
The Q-value is a function which represents the maximum future reward when the agent performs an action a in state s, Q(st,at)= max Rt+1. The estimation of future reward is given by the Bellman equation Q(s,a) = r + γ maxa' Q(s',a').
For large state-action spaces, learning this giant table of Q-values can quickly become computationally infeasible. In deep Q-learning, we use neural networks to approximate q-values Q(s,a; θ) (where θ are the network parameters). There are some added tricks to stabilize learning:
During training, we optimize over the MSE loss of the temporal difference error (Q(s,a;θ) - (r(s,a) + γ maxa Q(s',a;θ)))2
In flappy bird, our action space is either "flap" or "do nothing", our state space is a stack of four consecutive frames, and our reward is driven by keeping alive (+0.1) or passing through a pipe pair (+1).
I had to stop/resume training a couple times, which is why the training curve isn't completely smooth. This could probably be fixed if you saved off your optimizer in addition to your network weights! As you can see, the length (in frames) of a playing episode increases as flappy learns good strategies.
The A's of A2C:
During training, we try to minimize a loss which consists of a value loss, a policy loss, and an entropy loss. The value loss is ∑A(s)2 and the policy loss is ∑A(s)log(V(s)). The entropy loss H(π) helps encourage a good distribution of action probabilities.
I found hyperparameter tuning for A2C to be particularly difficult -- the network also seemed pretty sensitive to initialization scheme. Given my limited resources, this is the final result I got for A2C:
Policy gradient methods are sensitive to step size and often have very poor sample efficiency, taking many timesteps to learn simple tasks. We can eliminate this sensitivity by optimizing the size of a policy update. The central idea of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is to constrain the size of a policy update. To do that, we use a ratio which tells us the difference between our new and old policy, clipping this value to ensure that our policy update will not be too large.
In PPO, we want to optimize the following loss function: (π(a|s)/π'(a|s)) A(s). The policy ratio is clipped to be between (1-ε, 1+ε)
As with A2C, I think PPO would have benefitted from better hyperparameter tuning, but overall we do see improvement as we increase the number of training iterations: