lancemiller / One-Wire-On-Fire

One-Wire-On-Fire is a web and command line based user interface to 1-Wire devices. Written in PHP/Python/HTML/Javacript for use on any device that runs a Unix/Linux variant with Python and serves PHP web pages.
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One-Wire-On-Fire: ALPHA VERSION 0.1.0.a

One-Wire-On-Fire Copyright (C) 2011 Lance Miller

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the

GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the


See the GNU General Public License for more details.



  1. Unzip software package, place resulting One-Wire-On-Fire folder in the path of web server document root (e.g. /var/www).
  2. Go to http://localhost/One-Wire-On-Fire in web browser
  3. http://localhost/One-Wire-On-Fire/inc/_ONE-WIRE-ON-FIRE_py.txt is the most unusual file, it is the only file not to be run in the web interface. 4.a Make a copy of http://localhost/One-Wire-On-Fire/inc/_ONE-WIRE-ON-FIRE_py.txt to something like and store in a path outside the web server document root. 4.b For example copy to $HOME/bin/
    mkdir ~/bin; \ curl --url http://localhost/One-Wire-On-Fire/inc/_ONE-WIRE-ON-FIRE_py.txt > ~/bin/; \ chmod u+x ~/bin/; \ ls ~/bin; \ echo "all done";
  4. Go to the SETUP tab in http://localhost/One-Wire-On-Fire to set a few basic parameters, such as giving the 1-Wire devices a human-friendly name ( e.g. wine_cellar_temp ).
  5. should have a functional (most likely emulating real devices) example of of a properly running One-Wire-On-Fire install, refer to and navigate through the site to get general familiarity.

One-Wire-On-Fire is a web and command line based user interface to 1-Wire devices. Written in PHP/Python/HTML/Javacript for use on any device that runs a Unix/Linux variant with Python and serves PHP web pages.

One-Wire-On-Fire accesses an ACII interface to 1Wire devices. This means One-Wire-On-Fire accesses a plain old directory file structure with a typical line looking like this: /mnt/1wire/22.20F21A000000/temperature/38.075, reading these device/parameter values, and in some cases setting an ON/OFF circuit by writing an 0 or 1 are all that this software does to events out there on system bus. The power and function of One-Wire-On-Fire comes in being able to name the devices a human-friendly name, write simple programs[1] and run/stop those same stored programs, all within a web browser.

[1]example: while currentTime < runTime : if OutdoorA temp is less than 30: set FridgeB to OFF

Note on origin of project: The proprietors of WiseAss Brewing Company (serving microbrews to the Puget Sound region of Washington State) Ryan Hodges and Kurt Forsberg conceived of the need for automation of their brewing process and wanted Linux coupled with 1wire devices. Kurt Fosberg custom made devices and coded control in the Bash programming language. After several years experimenting with 1-Wire, Linux based control, and posting to their site, they asked Lance Miller to be the coder for a web-based UI in late 2011 with a view to present at LinuxFest Northwest 2012.

1Wire Briefly Explained

Monitoring 1-wire is great for low-cost monitoring of environmental conditions (temperature, light levels, humidity, moisture,...). There are 3rd party devices that can measure more elaborate conditions (Thermocouples for extreme temperatures, ultraviolet, wind-speed, counters. Typical uses include computer case and server room monitoring, weather stations, soil conditions, aquarium and vehicle monitoring.

Control There are numerous 1-wire chips that have on-off switches (either 1,2,or 8 switches per chip). High current circuits can be built using relays. There is also 3rd party devices that have pulse-width modulation (PWM) counters and other controls, also under 1-wire supervision.

Instrumentation The battery monitoring chips have (besides temperature) current and voltage sensors in different ranges.

Limitations In fact, the biggest constraint is usually speed. Fast process control and momentary contacts are difficult. Instead, 1-wire might be a good supervisory/monitoring/alarm system on top of process control.