Layer to build Openembedded based distro for MangoPi MQ Pro board
Install repo tool (most probably available in your linux distribution) Install Yocto Project build requirements
mkdir moelinux
cd moelinux
repo init -u
repo sync --no-clone-bundle
TEMPLATECONF="../meta-moelinux/conf/templates/moelinux/" . ./core/oe-init-build-env
bitbake moelinux-image-base
The build process takes a while. Resulting image is located under
And be written to MicroSD card with
bmaptool copy tmp-glibc/deploy/images/mangopi-mq-pro/moelinux-image-base-mangopi-mq-pro.wic.gz /dev/sdX # Where /dev/sdX is microsd device
Image can be customized in the same way as any other OpenEmbedded/YoctoProject/poky image mainly using conf/local.conf file. For example to add new package(s) to the image simply put
IMAGE_INSTAL:append = " package1 package2"
to the end of the file and rebuild the image
bitbake moelinux-image-base
Please consult Yocto Project documentation