landxcape / animated_marker

The AnimatedMarker widget is a Dart class that animates the movement of markers on a Google map.
MIT License
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animaton dart flutter flutter-package flutter-widgets google-maps-flutter


The AnimatedMarker widget is a Flutter class that animates the movement of markers on a Google Map. This widget takes a Set of marker positions, a builder function to construct the GoogleMap, and allows customization of the animation duration, frames per second, and animation curve. It creates an animation controller and initializes the previous and current marker positions to the provided ones. The didUpdateWidget method updates the marker positions if they change and restarts the animation. The build method returns the builder function with the current marker positions.


Getting Started

Add the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

  google_maps_flutter: ^latest
  flutter: any


Here's an example of how to use AnimatedMarker:

class MyMapScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  final Set<Marker> _sMarkers = // markers not needing animation...
  final Set<Marker> _aMarkers = // markers to animate...

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return AnimatedMarker(
      staticMarkers: staticMarkers,
      animatedMarkers: markers,
      duration: const Duration(seconds: 3), // change the animation duration
      fps: 30, // change the animation frames per second
      curve: Curves.easeOut, // change the animation curve
      builder: (context, animatedMarkers) {
        return GoogleMap(
          initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
            target: mockPositions.first,
            zoom: 13,
          markers: animatedMarkers,

This will animate the markers on the Google Map every time the animatedMarker set changes.

Additional information

The AnimatedMarker widget can help eliminate marker teleportation, providing a smooth transition from one location to another. It is particularly useful for applications requiring real-time updates, such as tracking moving vehicles, displaying user locations, or visualizing dynamic data changes.

By using this widget, you can enhance the user experience by ensuring that map markers move smoothly rather than jumping abruptly between positions.