langa-me / langame-worker

random python + social bots (discord, slack)
2 stars 0 forks source link

Langame worker

WARNING: before running any command, check the current google cloud project, firebase project and environment variable pointing to the service account JSON!


make install


base64 -i .env.production | tr -d '\\n'
base64 -i ./run/collection/.pypirc | tr -d '\\n'
base64 -i ./run/collection/pip.conf | tr -d '\\n'
# copy in Gitpod UI variables

Push library to GCP

source env/bin/activate

gcloud artifacts repositories create langame \
  --repository-format python \
  --location ${REGION} \
  --description "Langame Python package repository"

gcloud config set artifacts/repository langame
gcloud config set artifacts/location ${REGION}
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

# create service account for uploading artifacts to artifact
# registry in gcp
gcloud iam service-accounts create artifacts-uploader \
  --display-name "Artifacts uploader"

# Grant the appropriate Artifact Registry role
# to the service account to provide repository access
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member serviceAccount:artifacts-uploader@${PROJECT_ID} \
  --role roles/artifactregistry.admin
# TODO: narrow down permission
# add artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts
#gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
#  --member serviceAccount:artifacts-uploader@${PROJECT_ID} \
#  --role roles/artifactregistry.repositories.uploadArtifacts
# get svc key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${KEY_PATH} \


# write everything from "[distutils]" to "password:" to "~/.pypirc"
gcloud artifacts print-settings python \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --repository langame \
    --location ${REGION} \
    --json-key ${KEY_PATH} \
    | sed '1,10!d' > $HOME/.pypirc

# write everything after "# Insert the following snippet into your pip.conf"
# into "$HOME/.pip/pip.conf"
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/pip/
gcloud artifacts print-settings python \
    --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --repository langame \
    --location ${REGION} \
    --json-key ${KEY_PATH} \
    | sed '11,$!d' | tee ${DIR}/pip.conf $VIRTUAL_ENV/pip.conf

pip install build twine
python3 -m build
gcloud auth login
twine upload --repository-url ${URL}/ dist/*

Automatic Cloud Run deployment

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)

# create service account for pushing containers to gcr
# and deploying to cloud run
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloud-run-deployer \
  --display-name "Cloud Run deployer"

# Grant the appropriate Cloud Run role
# to the service account to provide repository access
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
  --member serviceAccount:cloud-run-deployer@${PROJECT_ID} \
  --role roles/run.admin

# get svc key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${KEY_PATH} \
cat ${KEY_PATH}