langerhans / dogecoin-wallet-new

Dogecoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Dogecoin node, no centralized backend required. Forked from the popular Bitcoin Wallet.
189 stars 105 forks source link

App unable to sync, cannot extract private keys, don't even know if I own this address #68

Open Jademalo opened 3 years ago

Jademalo commented 3 years ago

I downloaded the app earlier in order to buy some dogecoin, and after starting it it showed me an address. I gave this to the broker as the address to send the coins to.

Since then, the app has refused to sync even a single block. It's stuck on 2706000, dated 01/05/2019. Occasionally a peer will show, but nothing will change.

I'm inexperienced with how crypto wallets work, and I'm now extremely concerned that this address isn't "mine" since the wallet is unable to sync with the network. If that is the case, then I've had a load of doge just vanish into the aether.

I've attempted to extract the private keys from the backup in order to try and use instead, but this didn't lead anywhere. And as I said, I'm not sure it would even matter since the app that generated the wallet in the first place is unable to sync to the blockchain.

Please advise what to do here, since right now I've got zero access to the coins I bought, and there seems to be nothing I can do. I'm at the mercy of this app actually syncing to the blockchain.


Abde5 commented 3 years ago

Holy @trapiche-n you made my day! Thank you so much please give your doge wallet address, I need to send you a small "thank you"

hahaha thank you very much .... :D DSZMp4bnYL3uZFxhGh35dy1XCPuxZNoHpW

There you go, you deserve it !

Thanks for saving the community !

dogehelp commented 3 years ago

@dogehelp Built it for mac but can't test it. Might need to use terminal to run it. Not sure if Mac supports drag and drop like that.

What command would I need to put in to do that please? Sorry for the dumb question, just trying my best to sort it out instead of waiting for the app to sync. Thank you

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

ahhh! fork of also get the seed phrase and the path derivation

langerhans commented 3 years ago

It's not a fork of that, I just wrote it mostly from scratch lol.

@dogehelp unzip the file, open a terminal, cd to the folder where you unpacked it and run ./dogecoin_android_dump /path/to/your/wallet . As I said I can't test it.

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@langerhans I apologize

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago


@trapiche-n openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 (1) -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted this is the argument i put on openssl, maybe i should try with the file from @langerhans ? but are there any extra steps after downloading the zip file ?

(1) This is not a valid argument!

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n what should i do to make it valid, i'm really confused, i thought i just had to replace one part of your argument to make it work, thanks for your time too

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n what should i do to make it valid, i'm really confused, i thought i just had to replace one part of your argument to make it work, thanks for your time too

put your argument between ' -> openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in 'dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 (1)' -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu try: openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted

dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 is your backup file name

dogehelp commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu try: openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted

dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 is your backup file name

So this should run on terminal on macos as well? I got a response saying "No such file or directory", when I deleted the space between -in and the file name, it came back with some "valid ciphername values"

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n Capture it seems the name of my file is really dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 (1) image

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@dogehelp: There is a version of openssl for mac out there to do the job if you like ... but they have to use the command line... also work but your need python (2.x) and protobuf lib

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

1@IIbisu : please list your folder and paste result

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu I answered you

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 Yes, thanks i tried it but it doesn't seem to work too, maybe i did it wrong, here is the screen image

here is the -help image

MrAnomalous commented 3 years ago

Hi All, I've been reading through the guidance and have retrieved my 12 keywords (seed phrase) from the decrypted wallet backup, but Coinami will not accept the words used in my phrase. They are definitely words, not gibberish or anything and there are 12 of them... Any ideas?

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu: what is (exact) your backup file name??

Hi All, I've been reading through the guidance and have retrieved my 12 keywords (seed phrase) from the decrypted wallet backup, but Coinami will not accept the words used in my phrase. They are definitely words, not gibberish or anything and there are 12 of them... Any ideas?

check wallet language seed phrase: It could be Spanish English, Chinese...etc

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

hahaha thank you very much .... :D DSZMp4bnYL3uZFxhGh35dy1XCPuxZNoHpW

There you go, you deserve it !

Thanks for saving the community !

hahahah thank you!

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n i did not change the backup file name, it was named : dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-29 (1) 2021-01-30

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

I also tried doing another backup file and sent it to my pc so it was named dogecoin-wallet-backup-2021-01-30 but it didn't even find it even though it is on the pc image image

matthanc commented 3 years ago

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

Thanks for this! I missed a step and forgot to enter the derivation path before clicking next. Is this why I'm not seeing the coins in Coinomi? Do I need to reload everything and do it again?

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu you are not finding the file, try renaming the file to doge-bck and try again @matthanc you have to start over.... possibly the application will not accept your seed phrase again because I already use it, you will have to find the wallet file on your device and delete it and start over

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

Thanks for this! I missed a step and forgot to enter the derivation path before clicking next. Is this why I'm not seeing the coins in Coinomi? Do I need to reload everything and do it again?

Yeah, just delete that wallet and create a new one without missing that step. Worked for me.

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n It's still not finding it even after being renamed :( image


MrAnomalous commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu: what is (exact) your backup file name??

Hi All, I've been reading through the guidance and have retrieved my 12 keywords (seed phrase) from the decrypted wallet backup, but Coinami will not accept the words used in my phrase. They are definitely words, not gibberish or anything and there are 12 of them... Any ideas?

check wallet language seed phrase: It could be Spanish English, Chinese...etc

Wow, turns out there was a random character attached to the front of the first word of my seed phrase that happened to make another real word (IE first word was eel, hex decode showed peel)... Wow, glad to have that sorted. Thanks for all the help guys. You're seriously the best!

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu: I have tried in win 10 and openssl to decrypt perfectly ... hope you almost have it

moonmoondoge commented 3 years ago

@langerhans just wanted to let you know I tried to use your dump tool on windows, worked like a charm. Big thanks to everyone in this thread helping us non coders out :D

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@moonmoondoge hey ! could you please describe precisely for a non-coder how you used the dump tool ? i'm kind of having trouble with it right now

moonmoondoge commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu yes ofcourse. I downloaded the zip file and took out the .exe file that was in it and placed it on my desktop. I placed my back up file on my desktop aswell and simply dragged the backup file icon on top of the .exe file icon. A black window (cmd/terminal thing) opened and I had to enter the password linked to my recovery. once entered it gave me my recovery phrase I could use in coinomi.

Important note from one of the comments above : "In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H"

if you don't do this your coins won't show up.

Hope that helps.

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@moonmoondoge It's putting an error message saying that maybe i do not have the autorization to access the file when i tried to drag the backup file on the icon image

moonmoondoge commented 3 years ago

I did get a warning from my Norton anti virus to confirm if I trusted the file or not, so maybe it has something to do with your windows not allowing you to run the file? are you administrator on your pc? Maybe Langerhans knows what the issue might be.

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n It's still not finding it even after being renamed :( image


I see that you're not a programmer, so im going to explain you how to use the console:

In the command line you are not at the right directory. Check in what directory your file is (maybe C:/Users/xxx/Downloads).

Grab that directory and use the command "cd" in the terminal.

"cd C:/Users/xxx/Downloads"

And then input your openssl commands (like before)

EDIT: from your screenshot, they're located in Documents, you can go to the file folder and copy the path :)

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 Thanks ! It seems i'm one step closer, now i have this image

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 Thanks ! It seems i'm one step closer, now i have this image

You're done! You generated the decrypted file in the same folder as the other file, now you can follow the initial instructions of @trapiche-n

xbijin81 commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much it worked like a charm! Sent a little thank you @trapiche-n !

PaulUrs commented 3 years ago

@moonmoondoge What is this .zip file you downloaded?

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 i feel like i'm near but when i click on next nothing is happening ... image

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 i feel like i'm near but when i click on next nothing is happening ... image

Did you insert the phrase? Did you click on the gear just next to the doge in the list to change the deviation path? I cannot help you more than that buddy.

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

@Abde5 i feel like i'm near but when i click on next nothing is happening ... image

Did you insert the phrase? Did you click on the gear just next to the doge in the list to change the deviation path? I cannot help you more than that buddy.

Yep i did all of that, i will do it again and see what's wrong

IIbisu commented 3 years ago

Worked on my phone, ty @Abde5 and @trapiche-n, give me your adresses and i will send you something !

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

Worked on my phone, ty @Abde5 and @trapiche-n, give me your adresses and i will send you something !

Nice! I appreciate it :)


I sent some to @trapiche-n but it takes some time to transfer, I'll try again later.

PaulUrs commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu What zip file did moonmoondoge use to extract the .exe file?

dogehelp commented 3 years ago



Does this seem right please? I tried and it said no such file or directory

moonmoondoge commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

@cryptonewb69420 this one, there also is a mac version in this thread somewhere but not sure if that one works, I used this pc version

PaulUrs commented 3 years ago

@moonmoondoge Thanks man!

@Abde5 What if it say "Bad decrypt"? I got an error message too bad decrypt 8456:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_decryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt

dogehelp commented 3 years ago

Hey guys I tried to use the mac version of the android dump using the command (./doge_android_dump) in terminal and it said permission denied! What else could I try? Thanks

PaulUrs commented 3 years ago

@moonmoondoge @Abde5 @langerhans You guys are fucking awesome, I was losing my mind trying to figure out how to get this crap to work. BIG thanks

kolossus10 commented 3 years ago

Anyone can help me? I can't seem to find the 12

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

After I used a HEX editor (Frhed), I can't seem to find the 12 keywords mentioned in the steps. Anyone can help?

kolossus10 commented 3 years ago

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

Can someone help me how to use HEX editor or what hex editor is useful for windows? I tried Frhed but I can't seem to find the seed phrase or maybe I'm doing it wrong. After I open the decrypted file with hex editor I can find any meaningful words. Someone please help.

tub944 commented 3 years ago

I don't think you need a HEX Editor. I just opened the decrypted file with notepad and it was a bunch of gibberish with the 12 words at the top.