langerhans / dogecoin-wallet-new

Dogecoin Wallet app for your Android device. Standalone Dogecoin node, no centralized backend required. Forked from the popular Bitcoin Wallet.
189 stars 106 forks source link

App unable to sync, cannot extract private keys, don't even know if I own this address #68

Open Jademalo opened 3 years ago

Jademalo commented 3 years ago

I downloaded the app earlier in order to buy some dogecoin, and after starting it it showed me an address. I gave this to the broker as the address to send the coins to.

Since then, the app has refused to sync even a single block. It's stuck on 2706000, dated 01/05/2019. Occasionally a peer will show, but nothing will change.

I'm inexperienced with how crypto wallets work, and I'm now extremely concerned that this address isn't "mine" since the wallet is unable to sync with the network. If that is the case, then I've had a load of doge just vanish into the aether.

I've attempted to extract the private keys from the backup in order to try and use instead, but this didn't lead anywhere. And as I said, I'm not sure it would even matter since the app that generated the wallet in the first place is unable to sync to the blockchain.

Please advise what to do here, since right now I've got zero access to the coins I bought, and there seems to be nothing I can do. I'm at the mercy of this app actually syncing to the blockchain.


kolossus10 commented 3 years ago

I don't think you need a HEX Editor. I just opened the decrypted file with notepad and it was a bunch of gibberish with the 12 words at the top.

I opened it with notepad but full of Korean text i think is only what I saw.

mistermacd commented 3 years ago

I know some of you are trying to get blocks alternate ways, but I wanted to let you know after 40+ hours of being stuck on the same block, I'm finally up and running again. I think traffic died down. I left the app running on my phone and dimmed the screen so it wouldn't exit, and a few hours later I was connected to many peers and everything was completely and currently in sync. Good luck! (and thank you to dev for letting us know what the problem was, along with a potential solution that worked!)

zzudwa commented 3 years ago

@IIbisu yes ofcourse. I downloaded the zip file and took out the .exe file that was in it and placed it on my desktop. I placed my back up file on my desktop aswell and simply dragged the backup file icon on top of the .exe file icon. A black window (cmd/terminal thing) opened and I had to enter the password linked to my recovery. once entered it gave me my recovery phrase I could use in coinomi.

Important note from one of the comments above : "In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H"

if you don't do this your coins won't show up.

Hope that helps.

I did everything according to instruction but coinomi still not showing balance.

1) download backup from android 2) download .zip with .exe from @langerhans 3) drag&drop backup to exe, entered password, got 12 word phrase 4) started coinomi app(tried both on android and on desktop) 5) entered 12 words, entered nothing in BIP39 5.1) on PC after choosing doge wallet and repeating BIP32 (tried m/0'/0 tried M/0H tried M/0'/0) in additional settings button "next" simply doesn't works same as @IIbisu showed on screenshot above 5.2) on Android app it creating a wallet but no balance shown. BIP32 derivation path entered on additional settings of doge wallet result is same - no balance on the wallet

It seems that the problem is with derivation path but what exactly? should I enter it only in wallet settings? or only on first screen BIP39 too? or both? And what exactly? Is it case sensitive?

I also checked with the Mnemonic is correct it shows my wallet address on the list with m/0'/0/2 I also tried to use it as a parameter of wallet in coinomi but still zero balance, however in blockchain explorer I can see the balance on this wallet. It seem that I have all private keys and they are correct but coinmi simply refusing to show balance. Any other options? Full node cant connect to peers to syncronize as well as android app.

RESOLVED: 1) on the first screen of coinomi do not enable advanced settings and don't use BIP39 2) on doge wallets additional setting use exact M/0H not m/0' not m/0H/0 not M/0' it IS case sensitive and it's not working with example from decoding app

red-forty commented 3 years ago

Just tried using the .exe but every time I drop the file the command line window closes. Decided to load it from command line, and I get the following error. Anyone know how to fix this? decrypt_error

rocket26-0 commented 3 years ago

I don't think you need a HEX Editor. I just opened the decrypted file with notepad and it was a bunch of gibberish with the 12 words at the top.

I opened it with notepad but full of Korean text i think is only what I saw.

I am also just getting Korean text, Anybody else been able to figure it out?

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

guys, I was able to decrypt the backup file, but when i open it in text editor or with hex editor, the first thing in the file is org.dogecoin.production and the rest is gibberish unicode, no dictionary words. any advice? did i screw up?

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Anyone can help me? I can't seem to find the 12

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

After I used a HEX editor (Frhed), I can't seem to find the 12 keywords mentioned in the steps. Anyone can help?

were you able to find a solution? i'm in the same situation. decrypted the backup file, but cannot find any dictionary words, just random unicode

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

zzudwa commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

zzudwa commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

1) Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync) 2) Disable pin, 3) Export file again.

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

  1. Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync)
  2. Disable pin,
  3. Export file again.

now im getting "Unable to read wallet file: illegal base64 data at input byte 1"... i just restored my backup, removed spending pin, made new backup, dragged the file into the .exe, and see that message. i guess i really do have to wait for the .exe to support spending pins

EDIT: I accidently dragged a decrypted file, but even if i drop an encrypted one i receive: "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!"

I really need some advice

zzudwa commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

  1. Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync)
  2. Disable pin,
  3. Export file again.

now im getting "Unable to read wallet file: illegal base64 data at input byte 1"... i just restored my backup, removed spending pin, made new backup, dragged the file into the .exe, and see that message. i guess i really do have to wait for the .exe to support spending pins

EDIT: I accidently dragged a decrypted file, but even if i drop an encrypted one i receive: "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!"

I really need some advice

It seems that something wrong with you new PIN-less backup file. Does .exe asking your password before giving you "Mnemonic not found" message?

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

  1. Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync)
  2. Disable pin,
  3. Export file again.

now im getting "Unable to read wallet file: illegal base64 data at input byte 1"... i just restored my backup, removed spending pin, made new backup, dragged the file into the .exe, and see that message. i guess i really do have to wait for the .exe to support spending pins EDIT: I accidently dragged a decrypted file, but even if i drop an encrypted one i receive: "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!" I really need some advice

It seems that something wrong with you new PIN-less backup file. Does .exe asking your password before giving you "Mnemonic not found" message?

Yes, it prompts me for a pass, and when i input the pass, it gives me that message. i have 2 backups one from earlier this month and one from a couple of days ago. tried restoring one and removing spending pin and making a new backup out of that. not sure what else i can do and i hope this doesn't mean im losing access to my coins

zzudwa commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

  1. Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync)
  2. Disable pin,
  3. Export file again.

now im getting "Unable to read wallet file: illegal base64 data at input byte 1"... i just restored my backup, removed spending pin, made new backup, dragged the file into the .exe, and see that message. i guess i really do have to wait for the .exe to support spending pins EDIT: I accidently dragged a decrypted file, but even if i drop an encrypted one i receive: "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!" I really need some advice

It seems that something wrong with you new PIN-less backup file. Does .exe asking your password before giving you "Mnemonic not found" message?

Yes, it prompts me for a pass, and when i input the pass, it gives me that message. i have 2 backups one from earlier this month and one from a couple of days ago. tried restoring one and removing spending pin and making a new backup out of that. not sure what else i can do and i hope this doesn't mean im losing access to my coins

Tbh it seems like you messed up with files. Tr to do it again more carefully, making sure which file for what and what password you are using.

Jademalo commented 3 years ago

Just want to confirm that I was able to sweep my wallet, and I've finally got all of my coins consolidated. Thanks again @firlus for the method, you saved my bacon there!

NIFTY-SKIDDIE commented 3 years ago

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

so if i have a spending PIN set im SOL? or are you planning on releasing a fix for that? sorry to bother i highly appreicate your work

You can disable PIN in the app and make new backup file. It works for me.

I already wiped my app data... all i have is the backup file with the spending pin... i tried following the long method but got stuck after decrypting the backup file, not finding the 12 word mnemonic. now i can't even use the .exe because of the spending pin... im stuck :(

  1. Import your backup file to app(no need to wait sync)
  2. Disable pin,
  3. Export file again.

now im getting "Unable to read wallet file: illegal base64 data at input byte 1"... i just restored my backup, removed spending pin, made new backup, dragged the file into the .exe, and see that message. i guess i really do have to wait for the .exe to support spending pins EDIT: I accidently dragged a decrypted file, but even if i drop an encrypted one i receive: "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!" I really need some advice

It seems that something wrong with you new PIN-less backup file. Does .exe asking your password before giving you "Mnemonic not found" message?

Yes, it prompts me for a pass, and when i input the pass, it gives me that message. i have 2 backups one from earlier this month and one from a couple of days ago. tried restoring one and removing spending pin and making a new backup out of that. not sure what else i can do and i hope this doesn't mean im losing access to my coins

Tbh it seems like you messed up with files. Tr to do it again more carefully, making sure which file for what and what password you are using.

did everything carfeully, getting the same error "Failed to parse wallet. Mnemonic not found!" after putting my password. i'm feeling gutted. i hope this get's resolved after spending pins are supported, or otherwise i guess i lost my wallet..

weird thing that happend: right after making a backup, the wallet blinked for a split sescond with the amount of doge i'm supposed to have before going back to 0 and sync. really strange

Khg2021 commented 3 years ago

Couldn't download that file, WIN tells me all the time, that there is a Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml and for this OPENSSL stuff I am too dumb...

Hey folks, I started working on a small tool to simplify that process. It dumps the seed phrase which you can then use in other wallets or to derive your private keys. This is in super rough shape but I have tested it with a backup of the current android wallet and it works for me. To use it unpack the exe file somewhere and then drag the wallet backup file onto it. Caveat: It doesn't support wallets that had a spending pin set yet. Let me know if it works for you and I'll get it in better shape.

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@Khg2021: try

Khg2021 commented 3 years ago

@Khg2021: try #68 (comment)

Itried to download openssl, when I was running it it told me that no such file exists. Tried to run it via CMD as well, no success. Told ya, too dumb for this fancy stuff... :)

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago


Khg2021 commented 3 years ago


Thx, this is ehat i did. I created a backup, transferred it timo my computer, safed it there and wrote what you have instructed (with my name of thr backup). Maybe I have to reinstall it again. Thx for your help, will keep you updated.

Jimmyno commented 3 years ago

In case someone needs:

How to export from Langers Hans' android dogecoin wallet to coinomi wallet

  1. Make a backup of the wallet (transfer it to the computer)
  2. with openssl decrypt the backup (use the password with which the wallet was saved): openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -a -in YOUR-dogecoin-wallet-backup-FILENAME -out dogecoin-wallet-decrypted
  3. With a HEX editor open decrypted file (I use GHex) The 12 keywords (seed phrase) will be easily visible at the beginning of the file (near the string "org.dogecoin.production").
  4. In coinomi wallet choose "recover a wallet"
  5. Insert the seed phrase (it will also ask for a password for the new wallet)
  6. In coins list find dogecoin and click on check and also on the gear icon There Enter the derivation path --> M/0H
  7. That's it ... the balance should appear

I did everything right, but I don't see the crypto on the wallet. I don't remember, but I think I deleted and re-installed the app and only after i discovered this thread (I didn't know what to do). So probably the seed phrase is wrong 😔

voltameeak commented 3 years ago
6\. M/0H

For everyone who is still trying: That way worked for me. But only without pin. So as posted import the backup, remove pin and save again.

Jimmyno commented 3 years ago
6\. M/0H

For everyone who is still trying: That way worked for me. But only without pin. So as posted import the backup, remove pin and save again.

No, I didn't have the PIN set. @langerhans If I canceled and immediately re-installed the app, does the Speed phrase change? Or the app tke the same data from a folder left in the rom?

shadowacco commented 3 years ago

When I put the decrypted file in a hex editor, all I get is gibberish, no words. Am I doing something wrong?

LevitatingBusinessMan commented 3 years ago

@shadowacco Sounds like it's still unencrypted. Otherwise it should def make sense.

shadowacco commented 3 years ago

@shadowacco Sounds like it's still unencrypted. Otherwise it should def make sense.

So, in openssl it just show the message: *** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used. Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.

I'm not sure if I ran it wrong or something.

edit: nevermind, I was putting the unencrypted file in the hex editor, disregard. lmao

kenneth8099 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot (6) Please help me, I followed the steps but it still says no such file

Abde5 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot (6) Please help me, I followed the steps but it still says no such file

you added a dash "-" before the name of the file "-doge...", take out that "-"

kenneth8099 commented 3 years ago

Screenshot_20210202_013632_de langerhans wallet

If I backup does this mean all of this address will be backed up into a single wallet?

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

I think coinomi would have to show the correct balance. You could try before you finally change

reihaan commented 3 years ago

What cause the following error anyone have any clue?

8456:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_decryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt

exterus commented 3 years ago

I did this transaction with my phone, wasn't expecting to have to command prompt some cobol lines into an .exe file and dump gate errors because the app doesn't check versions properly...😒

On Mon, 1 Feb 2021 at 11:05, Rehan Farooq wrote:

What cause the following error anyone have any clue?

8456:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_decryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt

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bruidbarrett commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n @langerhans I have a decent amount of dogecoin on this wallet but I have lost my spending PIN, I tried doing the steps in this but after decrypting the 12 words aren't there (I assume due to the lack of spending PIN) I have tried contacting @langerhans on discord so I don't have to keep using GitHub (my apologies man), but I am desperate for help, how can I recover my funds without my spending pin? I have a backup of the wallet and the original device. Please help!

Please feel free to contact me! landshark#6638

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@bruidbarrett: Is necessary remove "spending PIN" before making the backup (essential) ...Do you have only one backup?

Khg2021 commented 3 years ago

OK now I found out that I have a totally different problem. I could decrypt everything so thx. But i have the problem that I lost my previous wallet. I traded via anycoindirect, there in the list I can see my transactions to a wallet address - but I have no wallet anymore leading to that addresses as my former monile phone crashed and I had no backup of the dogecoin wallet. So is there any chance to get access to my coins which are obviously still there as I found out via anycoindirect and when I click on the dogecoin address I can see on my orders and coins. Any help is appreciated...

Tmayn14 commented 3 years ago

Finally Decrypted My Private Key!!!! This thread has been so helpful, thank you to all that contributed. One last question... or two.

I have multidoge running since Saturday morning, all transactions are visible and can confirm them. However, it has been stuck in January of 2015 since Sunday morning. I have managed to get my private key decrypted. Is there any harm/risk in using my private key with coinomi to sweep the wallet as multidoge is still synching? My private key is directly from an old backup from an android wallet, so not exactly what I think of as a paper wallet. Do I need to shut down or reset blockchain, uninstall, something else to make sure Multidoge is stopped before I try with Coinomi?

Anything else I should be considering?

Jimmyno commented 3 years ago

OK now I found out that I have a totally different problem. I could decrypt everything so thx. But i have the problem that I lost my previous wallet. I traded via anycoindirect, there in the list I can see my transactions to a wallet address - but I have no wallet anymore leading to that addresses as my former monile phone crashed and I had no backup of the dogecoin wallet. So is there any chance to get access to my coins which are obviously still there as I found out via anycoindirect and when I click on the dogecoin address I can see on my orders and coins. Any help is appreciated...

I have the same problem :\

bruidbarrett commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n I have one backup on my PC as a wallet file and I have the original android device, both of which have the spending pin on them, I tried to decrypt the wallet file using openssl and realized the 12-word phrase doesn't show up if the backup had a spending pin on it, not sure what to do.

Tmayn14 commented 3 years ago

Finally Decrypted My Private Key!!!! This thread has been so helpful, thank you to all that contributed. One last question... or two.

I have multidoge running since Saturday morning, all transactions are visible and can confirm them. However, it has been stuck in January of 2015 since Sunday morning. I have managed to get my private key decrypted. Is there any harm/risk in using my private key with coinomi to sweep the wallet as multidoge is still synching? My private key is directly from an old backup from an android wallet, so not exactly what I think of as a paper wallet. Do I need to shut down or reset blockchain, uninstall, something else to make sure Multidoge is stopped before I try with Coinomi?

Anything else I should be considering?

If anyone else has this issue, I just closed out MultiDoge and did a sweep to coinomi with my private key and in a couple minutes everything was in my coinomi wallet. Like I saw in some other thread, if your coins are in the original address when you check on dogechain then nothing has happened to your wallet. Thanks again for the OpenSSL help.

bruidbarrett commented 3 years ago

@trapiche-n @langerhans i tried bruting it, is there any way to decrypt the spending PIN from the wallet backup? Really out of luck here looking for help from people who know a lot more about this than I do.

trapiche-n commented 3 years ago

@bruidbarrett : You could try something like this:

Khg2021 commented 3 years ago

Just a question (as I am unfortunately sure that I wont be able ro access my Dogecoins anymore) : I was able now activate my old mobile phone on which I used to have the Dogecoin wallet with my coins in it - which I bought as mentioned via the anycoin platform. Why is it not possible somehow to get the old wallet back although I have no backup? Is the wallet not linked somehow to the device I use? Is there no chance at all to get the wallet running again on the same device with the old settings? Yes I know without the private key (which I dont have anymore as I didnt backup the wallet) the coins are gone...

MKorostoff commented 3 years ago worked for me. Incredible solve @trapiche-n !

nogasgofast commented 3 years ago

Just a question (as I am unfortunately sure that I wont be able ro access my Dogecoins anymore) : I was able now activate my old mobile phone on which I used to have the Dogecoin wallet with my coins in it - which I bought as mentioned via the anycoin platform. Why is it not possible somehow to get the old wallet back although I have no backup? Is the wallet not linked somehow to the device I use? Is there no chance at all to get the wallet running again on the same device with the old settings? Yes I know without the private key (which I dont have anymore as I didnt backup the wallet) the coins are gone...

When the application is first started it makes a new key internally. That is done so new people always get a fresh ready to use wallet. So if the data is still on your old device you may be able to copy that to another location, install the app again and then copy the data back over the new install. If the phones memory was deleted you can try to turn off your phone and mail it into a data recovery expert. If it's a lot of money you might recover some cost. But those services are very expensive. Due to the way flash memory works you might be okay if data was not deleted/re-installed. The less you mess with that phone the higher your recovery chance. But yeah, sounds to me like a long shot.

sakisrouvas commented 3 years ago


I have my 12 keywords, and when I am going on coinomi and putting them there, with the derivation path M/0H, backs up only the first address and not the second. What can I do about that?

equipowin commented 3 years ago

I have a problem similar to sakisrouvas above.

Following the instructions from trapiche-n gave my seed phrase and using I can see the public and private key of multiple addresses in my wallet.

However, I cannot see the one listed under "old addresses" that actually still has the dogecoin in it (searching for the public key shows the balance is there.)

Importing the seed phrase to coinomi with M/0H derivation path ends with a zero balance but the same public addresses I can see for the empty addresses.

Any ideas?

EDIT: I think my dogecoins are in a change address. I changed the derivation path to m/0'/1 but my address isn't in the first 50000 results. I also checked 20000 results with m/0'/0

launchd commented 3 years ago

I'm also having the same issue as sakisrouvas and equipowin. I've successfully obtained my seed phrase and generated the public/private keys for the addresses that appear in my wallet, but not for the addresses listed under "old addresses," can someone explain what those addresses are? If they are indeed change addresses, then why aren't they generated when changing the derivation path to m/0'/1 in the iancoleman tool?

I've also tried the coinomi wallet with no luck, it imports my main receiving address but the balance shows zero. However, the "old addresses" do show a balance on the blockchain explorer.

makarchuk2020 commented 3 years ago

Hello. Need help. My adress book change . I send to my wallet, but money received to old adress. My wallet