langerheiko / ManageUsergroups

Manage Usergroups for MantisBT
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This plugin can be used to create groups of users in your mantis bugtracker. You may use nested groups and you can decide if groups can handle a bug. Notifications will be send to all group members.

This plugin is build upon version 1.2.14 of mantis and should be installed as any other plugin. No Mantis tables are being altered.

The plugin creates one table that holds the groups with their members. To use this plugin you must edit some core functions!

Like any other plugin. After copying to your webserver :

To use this plugin you will have to put some event signals in your mantis core code:

1) in core/access_api.php:

2) in core/access_api.php:

3) in core/user_api.php:

4) in core/print_api.php:

// You need to define a group prefix; every user you want to use as a group must // start its username with this prefix group_prefix = 'grp'

// Do you allow that groups can handle a bug? assign_to_groups = 0

// If you set assign_to_groups = 1, you can decide what access level is allowed // to use this functionality assign_group_threshold = 90

// Do you allow to use groups inside of other groups? nested_groups = 0

This plugin is distributed under the same conditions as Mantis itself (GPL).

This code is available on github:

Log new issues against the ManageUsergroups plugin on:

Heiko Schneider-Lange, working for eCola GmbH in Hannover, Germany