A book on Germanic syntax
Tested with texlive 2022.
The project uses memoize, a new package for externalizing figures by Sašo Živanović.
If you run into problems with memoize, please load the package nomemoize instead of memoize in the respective files (e.g. germanic.tex).
Externalization works by compiling germanic.tex with the -shell-escape directive. A much fast way is to use a python script. To do this, you need to install python3 and a python module for manipulating PDFs:
brew install python
and you have to install the pdfrw module:
python3 -m pip install pdfrw
python3 -m pip install pyparsing
After having done this, you can call the script like this (assuming that you xelatexed germanic.tex once):
python3 memomanager.py split main.mmz