laphinisee / vocabbie

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How to run the server

We built our application using React & Express. Our server can be ran by running node index.js from the main folder. Our server will run on port 8080 by default, unless an environment variable has been set. Our React application can be ran by running npm start from the /client folder and then visiting http://localhost:3000.

For actual deployment, we compile our React project by running npm run build in the client folder. Then, we simply need to run node index.js.

Be sure to run the following command before running the Node/Express server: export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/google/keys/file.json"

We have currently deployed our server to AWS EC2 and are running it here: ( We used a free service to also serve the site from


We would also like to acknowledge Rebecca Townsend, our mentor TA, and our professor, Stephen Rice, for his help.