Laravel XHProf provides you with a simple setup to profile your Laravel application with the well-known XHProf PHP extension originally developed by Facebook. It also leads you through the steps to install XHProf UI, a UI to visualize, save, and analyze the results of the profiling.
First, you'll need to install the PHP extension. It's highly recommended to use ondrejs ppa. It's well maintained and provides quite all PHP versions.
If you have a normal PHP environment, just install the XHProf extension:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php php-xhprof Graphviz
# You can now check if the extension was successfully installed
php -i | grep xhprof
# maybe restart your webserver or php-fpm...
Note: we need Graphviz to generate callgraphs.
If you are using laravel sail, here's a setup for you:
sail up -d
sail artisan sail:publish
# in docker-compose.yml check wich php version is used under build->context (eg. ./docker/8.1)
# If you know the php-version you can type:
nano docker/<php-version>/Dockerfile
# find the block where all php extensions are installed and add "php<php-version>-xhprof graphviz \"
# Now you need to rebuild the sail
sail down ; sail build --no-cache ; sail up -d # this may take a while...
# You can now check if the extension was successfully installed
sail php -i | grep xhprof
Note: The provided Laravel Sail Dockerfile already uses ondrejs ppa.
composer require laracraft-tech/laravel-xhprof --dev
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaracraftTech\LaravelXhprof\XHProfServiceProvider" --tag="config"
We are using the recommended fork by from "preinheimer":
mkdir public/vendor ; git clone ./public/vendor/xhprof
# If you haven't already, I recommend adding public/vendor to your .gitignore
echo "/public/vendor" >> .gitignore
Since the database table name,
which the UI package is using behind to store and read data from the database,
is hard coded to details
and you already may have a table named like that,
you may need to take some additional steps. If not, here at first the simple way:
table in your database:php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaracraftTech\LaravelXhprof\XHProfServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
table in your database:I recommend just using a different database.
USE xhprof;
`id` char(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
`url` char(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`c_url` char(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`server name` char(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`perfdata` longblob,
`type` tinyint DEFAULT NULL,
`cookie` longblob,
`post` longblob,
`get` blob,
`pmu` int DEFAULT NULL,
`wt` int DEFAULT NULL,
`cpu` int DEFAULT NULL,
`server_id` char(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
`aggregateCalls_include` char(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `details_url_index` (`url`),
KEY `details_c_url_index` (`c_url`),
KEY `details_cpu_index` (`cpu`),
KEY `details_wt_index` (`wt`),
KEY `details_pmu_index` (`pmu`),
KEY `details_timestamp_index` (`timestamp`),
KEY `details_server name_timestamp_index` (`server name`,`timestamp`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
Note: you also need to create a user who has privileges on that new database!
Now let's configure some settings!
cp public/vendor/xhprof/xhprof_lib/config.sample.php public/vendor/xhprof/xhprof_lib/config.php
# 1. Change the DB credentials to your needs
# 2. enable dot_binary section
# 3. If you're local, set $controlIPs to false
nano public/vendor/xhprof/xhprof_lib/config.php
Just set XHPROF_ENABLED=true
in your .env file and
now every request you make to your application gets profiled. \
Visit <your-host>/vendor/xhprof/xhprof_html/
to see your profiling results.
Happy analyzing!
If you discover any security-related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
MIT. Please see the license file for more information.