large-scale-gxe-methods / GEM

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GEM (Gene-Environment interaction analysis for Millions of samples) is a software program for large-scale gene-environment interaction testing in samples from unrelated individuals. It enables genome-wide association studies in up to millions of samples while allowing for multiple exposures, control for genotype-covariate interactions, and robust inference.

Current version: 1.5.3

Additional documentation:


Quick Installation

Option 1: Use the binary executable file for Linux

Option 2: Build GEM Library Dependencies

To install GEM, run the following lines of code:

 git clone
 cd GEM/
 cd src/  


C/C++ Compiler


Intel processors:

AMD processors:

Boost C++ Libraries

Eigen Library


Running GEM

  1. Command Line Options
  2. Input Files
  3. Output File Format
  4. Examples

Command Line Options

Once GEM is installed, the executable ./GEM can be used to run the program.
For a list of options, use ./GEM --help.

List of Options ``` General Options: --help Prints the available options of GEM and exits. --version Prints the version of GEM and exits. Input/Output File Options: --pheno-file Path to the phenotype file. --bgen Path to the BGEN file. --sample Path to the sample file. Required when the BGEN file does not contain sample identifiers. --pfile Path and prefix to the .pgen, .pvar, and .psam files. If this flag is used, then --pgen/--pvar/--psam don't need to be specified. --pgen Path to the pgen file. --pvar Path to the pvar file. --psam Path to the psam file. --bfile Path and prefix to the .bed, .bim and .fam files. If this flag is used, then --bed/--bim/--fam don't need to be specified. --bed Path to the bed file. --bim Path to the bim file. --fam Path to the fam file. --out Full path and extension to where GEM output results. Default: gem.out --output-style Modifies the output of GEM. Must be one of the following: minimum: Output the summary statistics for only the GxE and marginal G terms. meta: 'minimum' output plus additional fields for the main G and any GxCovariate terms. For a robust analysis, additional columns for the model-based summary statistics will be included. full: 'meta' output plus additional fields needed for re-analyses of a subset of interactions. Default: minimum Phenotype File Options: --sampleid-name Column name in the phenotype file that contains sample identifiers. --pheno-name Column name in the phenotype file that contains the phenotype of interest. If the number of levels (unique observations) is 2, the phenotype is treated as binary; otherwise it is assumed to be continuous. --exposure-names One or more column names in the phenotype file naming the exposure(s) to be included in interaction tests. If no exposures are included, GEM will only perform the marginal test. --int-covar-names Any column names in the phenotype file naming the covariate(s) for which interactions should be included for adjustment (do not include with --exposure-names). --covar-names Any column names in the phenotype file naming the covariates for which only main effects should be included for adjustment (do not include with --exposure-names or --int-covar-names). --robust 0 for model-based standard errors and 1 for robust standard errors. Default: 0 --tol Convergence tolerance for logistic regression. Default: 0.0000001 --delim Delimiter separating values in the phenotype file. Tab delimiter should be represented as \t and space delimiter as \0. Default: , (comma-separated) --missing-value Indicates how missing values in the phenotype file are stored. Default: NA --center 0 for no centering to be done, 1 to center ALL exposures and covariates, and 2 to center all the interaction covariates only. Default: 2 --scale 0 for no scaling to be done and 1 to scale ALL exposures and covariates by the standard deviation. Default: 0 --categorical-names Names of the exposure or interaction covariate that should be treated as categorical. Default: None --cat-threshold A cut-off to determine which exposure or interaction covariate not specified using --categorical-names should be automatically treated as categorical based on the number of levels (unique observations). Default: 20 Filtering Options: --maf Minimum threshold value [0, 0.5] to exclude variants based on the minor allele frequency. Default: 0.001 --miss-geno-cutoff Maximum threshold value [0, 1.0] to filter variants based on the missing genotype rate. Default: 0.05 --include-snp-file Path to file containing a subset of variants in the specified genotype file to be used for analysis. The first line in this file is the header that specifies which variant identifier in the genotype file is used for ID matching. This must be 'snpid' (PLINK or BGEN) or 'rsid' (BGEN only). There should be one variant identifier per line after the header. Performance Options: --threads Set number of compute threads. Default: ceiling(detected threads / 2) --stream-snps Number of SNPs to analyze in a batch. Memory consumption will increase for larger values of stream-snps. Default: 1 ```

Input Files

Output File Format

GEM will write results to the output file specified with the --out parameter (or 'gem.out' if no output file is specified).
Below are details of the possible column headers in the output file.

SNPID              - The SNP identifier as retrieved from the genotype file.
RSID               - The reference SNP ID number. (BGEN only)
CHR                - The chromosome of the SNP.
POS                - The physical position of the SNP.
Non_Effect_Allele  - The allele not counted in association testing.  
Effect_Allele      - The allele that is counted in association testing.  
N_Samples          - The number of samples without missing genotypes.
AF                 - The allele frequency of the effect allele.
N_catE_*           - The number of non-missing samples in each combination of strata for all of the categorical exposures and interaction covariates.
AF_catE_*          - The allele frequency of the effect allele for each combination of strata for all of the catgorical exposure or interaction covariate.

Beta_Marginal           - The coefficient estimate for the marginal genetic effect (i.e., from a model with no interaction terms).
SE_Beta_Marginal        - The model-based SE associated with the marginal genetic effect estimate.
robust_SE_Beta_Marginal - The robust SE associated with the marginal genetic effect estimate.

Beta_G             - The coefficient estimate for the genetic main effect (G).
Beta_G-*           - The coefficient estimate for the interaction or interaction covariate terms.
SE_Beta_G          - Model-based SE associated with the the genetic main effect (G).  
SE_Beta_G-*        - Model-based SE associated with any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_SE_Beta_G   - Robust SE associated with the the genetic main effect (G).  
robust_SE_Beta_G-* - Robust SE associated with any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
Cov_Beta_G_G-*          - Model-based covariance between the genetic main effect (G) and any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
Cov_Beta_G-*_G-*        - Model-based covariance between any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_Cov_Beta_G_G-*   - Robust covariance between the genetic main effect (G) and any GxE or interaction covariate terms.
robust_Cov_Beta_G-*_G-* - Robust covariance between any GxE or interaction covariate terms.

P_Value_Marginal           - Marginal genetic effect p-value from model-based SE.
P_Value_Interaction        - Interaction effect p-value (K degrees of freedom test of interaction effect) from model-based SE. (K is number of major exposures)
P_Value_Joint              - Joint test p-value (K+1 degrees of freedom test of genetic and interaction effect) from model-based SE.
robust_P_Value_Marginal    - Marginal genetic effect p-value from robust SE.
robust_P_Value_Interaction - Interaction effect p-value from robust SE.
robust_P_Value_Joint       - Joint test p-value (K+1 degrees of freedom test of genetic and interaction effect) from robust SE.

The --output-style flag can be used to specify which columns should be included in the output file:


Includes the variant information, Beta_Marginal, SE_Beta_Marginal, coefficient estimates for only the GxE terms, and depending on the --robust option, SE and covariance for only the GxE terms.


Includes each of the possible outputs listed above when applicable. For a model-based analysis (--robust 0), the columns containing the "robust" prefix (robust_*) are excluded in the output file.


Includes, in addition to "meta", an initial header line with the residual variance estimate necessary for re-analysis of a subset of interactions using only summary statistics (for example, switching an exposure and interaction covariate).


To run GEM using the example data, execute GEM with the following code.

./GEM --bgen example.bgen --sample example.sample --pheno-file example.pheno --sampleid-name sampleid --pheno-name pheno2 --covar-names cov3 --exposure-names cov1 --robust 1 --center 0 --missing-value NaN --out my_example.out

The results should look like the following output file my_example.out.

Recent Updates

Version 1.5.3 - May 20, 2024:

Version 1.5.2 - August 16, 2023:

Version 1.5.1 - April 20, 2023:

Version 1.5 - March 9, 2023:

Version 1.4.5 - November 11, 2022:

Version 1.4.4 - October 5, 2022:

Version 1.4.3 - March 23, 2022:

Version 1.4.2 - November 22, 2021:

Version 1.4.1 - September 14, 2021:

Version 1.4 - July 2, 2021:

Version 1.3 - April 7, 2021:

Version 1.2 - January 22, 2021:

Version 1.1 - July 21, 2020:


For comments, suggestions, bug reports and questions, please contact Han Chen (, Alisa Manning (, Kenny Westerman ( or Samaneh Salehi Nasab ( For bug reports, please include an example to reproduce the problem without having to access your confidential data.


If you use GEM in your analysis, please cite


 GEM : Gene-Environment interaction analysis for Millions of samples
 Copyright (C) 2018-2024  Liang Hong, Han Chen, Duy Pham, Cong Pan, Samaneh Salehi Nasab

 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program.  If not, see <>.

The GEM package is distributed under GPL (>= 3). It includes source code from open source third-party software: