larkinds / Spotify.MLH

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Spotify.MLH is a lightweight VS Code extension that allows a user to control their spotify player from within their coding environment. It was created during a 2 week sprint by three fellows in the spring 2021 Major League Hacking Externship Fellowship. Each fellow worked ~20 hours a week on this extension on top of their schoolwork or their jobs, respectively.


Control playback:

Browse library:


  1. Sign up for a Spotify account (a free account is ok for development, but Premium is required for testing)
  2. Log in to Spotify for Developers
  3. Create an app
  4. Open the settings for your app and add vscode://goofies.spotifymlh/authorized as a redirect URI
  5. Clone the repository
    git clone
  6. Open VS Code
    cd Spotify.MLH && code .
  7. Duplicate src/secrets.ts.txt and rename it to src/secrets.ts
    cp src/secrets.ts.txt src/secrets.ts
  8. Set clientId and clientSecret in secrets.ts to the values found in your developer app settings
  9. Install extension dependencies
    npm install
  10. Run the extension by hitting F5 or clicking the Run Extension button at the bottom of your screen
  11. Once in the new VSCode window, follow the instructions in the pop-ups to authorize the Spotify.MLH to access your spotify