larksuite / oapi-sdk-nodejs

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飞书,点这里 | Larksuite(Overseas)

[Deprecated]LarkSuite open api SDK

Please use the new version of node-sdk:


Problem feedback

If you encounter any problems during usage, please let us know by submitting Github Issues. We will deal with these Issues and get back to you as soon as possible.


  npm i @larksuiteoapi/allcore@1.0.14

Explanation of terms

App type

Quick use

Call API

Example of using Custom App to access send text message API

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");     // javascript

// Configuration of custom app, parameter description:
// appID、appSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
// verificationToken、encryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token、Encrypt Key)
// helpDeskID、helpDeskToken, Help Desk token:
const appSettings = lark.newInternalAppSettings({
    appID: "App ID",
    appSecret: "App Secret",
    encryptKey: "Encrypt Key", // Not required. Required when subscribing to events
    verificationToken: "Verification Token", // Not required, required to subscribe to event and message cards
    helpDeskID: "HelpDesk ID", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API
    helpDeskToken: "HelpDesk Token", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API

// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). For more optional configurations, see -> How to Build an overall Configuration (Config).
const conf = lark.newConfig(lark.Domain.FeiShu, appSettings, {
    loggerLevel: lark.LoggerLevel.ERROR,

// The content of the sent message
const body = {
    open_id: "user open id",
    msg_type: "text",
    content: {
        text: "test send message",
// Build request
const req = lark.api.newRequest("/open-apis/message/v4/send", "POST", lark.api.AccessTokenType.Tenant, body)
// Send request 
lark.api.sendRequest(conf, req).then(r => {
    // Print the requestId of the request
    // Print the response status of the request
    console.log(r) // r = response.body
}).catch(e => {
    // Error handling of request

Subscribe to events

Example of using Custom App to subscribe App First Enabled event.

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");     // javascript

// Configuration of custom app, parameter description:
// appID、appSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
// verificationToken、encryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token、Encrypt Key)
// helpDeskID、helpDeskToken, Help Desk token:
const appSettings = lark.newInternalAppSettings({
    appID: "App ID",
    appSecret: "App Secret",
    encryptKey: "Encrypt Key",
    verificationToken: "Verification Token",

// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). For more optional configurations, see -> How to Build an overall Configuration (Config).
const conf = lark.newConfig(lark.Domain.FeiShu, appSettings, {
    loggerLevel: lark.LoggerLevel.ERROR,

// Set the application event handler to be enabled for the first time
lark.event.setTypeHandler(conf, "app_open", (ctx, event) => {
    // Print the request ID of the request
    // Print event

// Start the httpserver, "Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions", setting Request URL:https://domain
// startup event http server, port: 8089
lark.event.startServer(conf, 8089)

Processing message card callbacks

Example of using Custom App to handling message card callback.

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");     // javascript

// Configuration of custom app, parameter description:
// appID、appSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
// verificationToken、encryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token、Encrypt Key)
// helpDeskID、helpDeskToken, Help Desk token:
const appSettings = lark.newInternalAppSettings({
    appID: "App ID",
    appSecret: "App Secret",
    encryptKey: "Encrypt Key", // Not required. Required when subscribing to events
    verificationToken: "Verification Token",

// Currently, you are visiting larksuite, which uses default storage and default log (error level). For more optional configurations, see -> How to Build an overall Configuration (Config).
const conf = lark.newConfig(lark.Domain.FeiShu, appSettings, {
    loggerLevel: lark.LoggerLevel.ERROR,

// Set the handler of the message card
// Return value: can be "", JSON string of new message card
lark.card.setHandler(conf, (ctx, card) => {
    // 打印消息卡片
    return "{\"config\":{\"wide_screen_mode\":true},\"i18n_elements\":{\"zh_cn\":[{\"tag\":\"div\",\"text\":{\"tag\":\"lark_md\",\"content\":\"[飞书](整合即时沟通、日历、音视频会议、云文档、云盘、工作台等功能于一体,成就组织和个人,更高效、更愉悦。\"}}]}}";

// Start the httpserver, "Developer Console" -> "Features" -> "Bot", setting Message Card Request URL: https://domain
// startup event http server, port: 8089
lark.event.startServer(conf, 8089)

How to build app settings(AppSettings)

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");     // javascript

// To prevent application information leakage, in the configuration environment variables, the variables (4) are described as follows:
// APP_ID: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID)
// APP_Secret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App Secret)
// VERIFICATION_Token: VerificationToken、EncryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token)
// ENCRYPT_Key: VerificationToken、EncryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Encrypt Key)
// HELP_DESK_ID: Service desk setup center -> ID
// HELP_DESK_TOKEN: Service desk setup center -> 令牌
// The configuration of "Custom App" is obtained through environment variables
const appSettings = lark.getInternalAppSettingsByEnv()
// The configuration of "Marketplace App" is obtained through environment variables
const appSettings = lark.getISVAppSettingsByEnv()

// Parameter description:
// appID、appSecret: "Developer Console" -> "Credentials"(App ID、App Secret)
// verificationToken、encryptKey:"Developer Console" -> "Event Subscriptions"(Verification Token、Encrypt Key)
// helpDeskID、helpDeskToken, Help Desk token:
// The Configuration of custom app, parameter description:
const appSettings = lark.newInternalAppSettings({
    appID: "App ID",
    appSecret: "App Secret",
    encryptKey: "Encrypt Key", // Not required. Required when subscribing to events
    verificationToken: "Verification Token", // Not required, required to subscribe to event and message cards
    helpDeskID: "HelpDesk ID", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API
    helpDeskToken: "HelpDesk Token", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API
// The configuration of "Marketplace App"
const appSettings = lark.newISVAppSettings({
    appID: "App ID",
    appSecret: "App Secret",
    encryptKey: "Encrypt Key", // Not required. Required when subscribing to events
    verificationToken: "Verification Token", // Not required, required to subscribe to event and message cards
    helpDeskID: "HelpDesk ID", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API
    helpDeskToken: "HelpDesk Token", // Not required, required when using the help Desk API

How to build overall configuration(Config)

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");

// It is recommended to use Redis to implement the storage interface (Store) to reduce the number of accesses to the AccessToken interface
// Parameter description:
// domain: URL Domain address. Value range: lark.Domain.FeiShu / lark.Domain.LarkSuite / Other URL domain name address
// appSettings: application configuration
// opts: configuration options
    // opts.logger: [log interface](core/log/log.go), default: lark.ConsoleLogger
    // opts.loggerlevel: log level. Default: ERROR level (lark.LoggerLevel.ERROR)
    // [storage port](core/store/store.go), used to store app_ticket/app_access_token/tenant_access_token. Default: lark.DefaultStore
lark.newConfig(domain: Domain, appSettings: AppSettings, opts: ConfigOpts): Config

// Use example:
const conf = lark.newConfig(lark.Domain.FeiShu, appSettings, {
    loggerLevel: lark.LoggerLevel.ERROR,
    logger: new lark.ConsoleLogger(),
    store: new lark.DefaultStore(),

How to build a request(Request)

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");

// Create request 
// httpPath: API path
    // such as: https://domain/open-apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id
    // support: the path of the domain name after, httpPath: "/open apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id" (recommended)
    // support: the full path, httpPath: "https://domain/open-apis/contact/v3/users/:user_id"
    // support: httpPath: "contact/v3/users/:user_id"
// accessTokenType: What kind of token access the API uses, value range: lark.api.AccessTokenType.App/Tenant/User, for example: lark.api.AccessTokenType.Tenant 
// input : The request body (may be formdata (for example: file upload)), if the request body is not needed (for example, some GET requests), pass: undefined
let req = lark.api.newRequest(httpPath: string, httpMethod: string, accessTokenType: AccessTokenType, input: any)

// Request method , SDK version requirements: 1.0.9 and above

setPathParams(pathParams: { [key: string]: any }) // Set the URL Path parameter (with: prefix) value
// Use example:
req.setPathParams({"user_id":4}) // when httpPath="users/:user_id", the requested URL="https://{domain}/open-apis/users/4" 

setQueryParams(queryParams: { [key: string]: any }) // Set the URL qeury
// Use example:
req.setQueryParams({"age":4,"types":[1,2]}) // it will be appended to the url?age=4&types=1&types=2 

setTenantKey(tenantKey: string) // to `ISV application` status, indication `tenant_access_token` access API, you need to set 
// Use example:
req.setTenantKey("68daYsd") // Set TenantKey to "68daysd"

setUserAccessToken(userAccessToken: string) // use of` user_access_token` access API, you need to set 
// Use example:
req.setUserAccessToken("u-7f1bcd13fc57d46bac21793a18e560") // Set the user access token to "u-7f1bcd13fc57d46bac21793a18e560"

setTimeoutOfMs(timeoutOfMs: number) // set the http request, timeout time in milliseconds 
// Use example:
req.setTimeoutOfMs(5000) // Set the request timeout to 5000 Ms

setIsResponseStream() // set whether the response is a stream, such as downloading a file, at this time: the output value is of Buffer type
// Use example:
req.setIsResponseStream() // set the response is a stream

setResponseStream(responseStream: stream.Writable) // Set whether the response body is a stream. For example, when downloading a file, the response stream will be written to the responsestream
// Use example:
req.setResponseStream(fs.createWriteStream("./test.1.png")) // Write the response stream to the "./test.1.png" file

setNeedHelpDeskAuth() // If it is a HelpDesk API, you need to set the HelpDesk token
// Use example:
req.setNeedHelpDeskAuth() // Sets whether the request requires a HelpDesk token

How to send a request

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");

// Parameter Description:
// conf:Overall configuration(Config)
// req:Request(Request)
// resp: http response body json
// err:Send request happen error 
async lark.api.sendRequest(conf: lark.core.Config, req: lark.api.Request)

lark.core.Context common methods

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");

// In the handler of event subscription and message card callback, you can lark.core.Context Get config from
const conf = lark.core.getConfigByCtx(ctx: lark.core.Context)

Download File Tool

// import * as lark from "@larksuiteoapi/allcore";  // typescript
const lark = require("@larksuiteoapi/allcore");

// Get the file content
// Parameter Description:
// url:The HTTP address of the file
// timeoutOfMs:Time the request timed out in milliseconds
// Return value Description:
// resp: http response body binary
// err:Send request happen error
async lark.api.downloadFile(url: string, timeoutOfMs: number)
