lars-petter-hauge / dotfiles

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The neovim config use a package manager (lazy) that requires a fairly new neovim (>= 0.8.0) and must be built with LuaJIT. It is bootstrapped and will be automatically setup if not present.

Mason is used to install language servers (such as pyright). Mason is also bootstrapped and should work out of the box. Make sure to run :checkhealth in nvim after installing.

Telescope (and pickers)

Live grep requires ripgrep to be installed ( fg)


For faster start time a pythonpath has been set to a pyenv environment named nvim_env. (~/.pyenv/versions/nvim_env/bin/python). It is expected that this environment has debugpy, pynvim and black installed.


The rust_analyser lsp expects Cargo to be installed. It is necessary to have a Cargo.toml in the root folder for the lsp server to function.

Install ``` git clone

cd ~/dotfiles chmod +x ./ ```