Finary Unofficial API wrapper
A simple command line tool to interact with your Finary account.
Finary is a real time portfolio & stocks tracker. It supports precious metal, cryptos, stocks and a lot more. If you don't already have an account, here is a referral link to sign up:
:warning: Use at your own risk. I'm not responsible if you trash your account. :warning:
pip install finary_uapi
file to credentials.json
and file your username and password.python -m finary_uapi signin
python -m finary_uapi
for available commands.python -m finary_uapi me
or python -m finary_uapi investments
. Run `python -m finary_uapi
for an up to date version.
finary_uapi signin [MFA_CODE]
finary_uapi me
finary_uapi institution_connections
finary_uapi organizations
finary_uapi timeseries <period> <type>
finary_uapi checking_accounts transactions [--page=<page>] [--perpage=<perpage>] [--account=<account_ids>] [--institution=<institution_ids>] [--query=<query>]
finary_uapi fonds_euro
finary_uapi startups
finary_uapi investments
finary_uapi investments dividends
finary_uapi investments transactions [--page=<page>] [--perpage=<perpage>] [--account=<account_ids>] [--institution=<institution_ids>] [--query=<query>]
finary_uapi crowdlendings
finary_uapi crowdlendings distribution
finary_uapi crowdlendings add <account_name> <name> <annual_yield> <month_duration> <initial_investment> <current_price> <currency_code> <start_date>
finary_uapi crowdlendings delete <crowdlending_id>
finary_uapi cryptos
finary_uapi cryptos distribution
finary_uapi cryptos add <code> <quantity> <price> <account_id>
finary_uapi cryptos update <code> <quantity> <price> <account_id>
finary_uapi cryptos delete <code> <account_id>
finary_uapi precious_metals search QUERY
finary_uapi precious_metals
finary_uapi precious_metals add <name> <quantity> <price>
finary_uapi precious_metals delete <commodity_id>
finary_uapi holdings_accounts [crypto | stocks | crowdlending | <account_name>]
finary_uapi holdings_accounts add (crypto | stocks | crowdlending) <account_name>
finary_uapi holdings_accounts add (checking | saving) <account_name> <bank_name> <account_type> <balance>
finary_uapi holdings_accounts delete <account_id>
finary_uapi holdings_accounts update <account_id> <account_name> [<account_balance>]
finary_uapi generic_asset_categories
finary_uapi generic_assets
finary_uapi generic_assets add <name> <category> <quantity> <buying_price> <current_price>
finary_uapi generic_assets update <asset_id> <name> <category> <quantity> <buying_price> <current_price>
finary_uapi generic_assets delete <asset_id>
finary_uapi crypto_chains
finary_uapi crypto_currency search QUERY
finary_uapi fiat_currency search QUERY
finary_uapi institutions search QUERY
finary_uapi securities search QUERY
finary_uapi securities
finary_uapi securities add <code> <quantity> <price> <account_id>
finary_uapi securities delete <security_id>
finary_uapi insights
finary_uapi loans
finary_uapi credit_accounts transactions [--page=<page>] [--perpage=<perpage>] [--account=<account_ids>] [--institution=<institution_ids>] [--query=<query>]
finary_uapi real_estates
finary_uapi real_estates add rent <address> <user_estimated_value> <description> <surface> <buying_price> <building_type> <ownership_percentage> <monthly_charges> <monthly_rent> <yearly_taxes> <rental_period> <rental_type> [<currency_code>]
finary_uapi real_estates add <category> <address> <user_estimated_value> <description> <surface> <buying_price> <building_type> <ownership_percentage> [<currency_code>]
finary_uapi real_estates update rent <asset_id> <user_estimated_value> <description> <buying_price> <ownership_percentage> <monthly_rent>
finary_uapi real_estates update <category> <asset_id> <user_estimated_value> <description> <buying_price> <ownership_percentage>
finary_uapi real_estates delete <asset_id>
finary_uapi scpis search QUERY
finary_uapi scpis
finary_uapi watches search QUERY
finary_uapi import crowdlending_csv FILENAME [-d] [-f]
finary_uapi import cryptocom FILENAME [(--new=NAME | --edit=account_id | --add=account_id)]
finary_uapi import nexo FILENAME [(--new=NAME | --edit=account_id | --add=account_id)]
finary_uapi import crypto_csv FILENAME [(--new=NAME | --edit=account_id | --add=account_id)]
finary_uapi import stocks_csv FILENAME [(--new=NAME | --edit=account_id | --add=account_id)] [-d]
finary_uapi import stocks_json FILENAME [(--new=NAME | --edit=account_id | --add=account_id)] [-d]
List crypto accounts, and display id and name
python -m finary_uapi holdings_accounts crypto | jq '.result[] | {id: .id, name: .name}'
List investment accounts, and display id and name
python -m finary_uapi holdings_accounts stocks | jq '.result[] | {id: .id, name: .name}'
Import a CSV file from in a new crypto account on Finary. Replace the filename and the account name
python -m finary_uapi import cryptocom crypto_transactions_record.csv --new
Import a generic CSV file (see tests directory for a sample) in a new crypto account on Finary. Replace the filename and the account name.
python -m finary_uapi import crypto_csv cryptodump.csv --new MyLovelyExchange
Create a "Compte d'épargne' with a 1000€ balance at BNP Paribas
python -m finary_uapi holdings_accounts add checking testchecking "BNP Paribas" "Compte d'épargne" 1000
Print gross wealth
python -m finary_uapi dashboard gross all | jq '.result["total"]["amount"]'
Thanks go to these people (emoji key):
Nicolas Froment 📆 📣 💻 🐛 🤔 📖 |
Victor Quach 💻 |
NickFR 💻 |
Clémence Lesné 💻 |
OxyFlax 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!