lassoan / SlicerMONAIAuto3DSeg

Extension for 3D Slicer for running MONAI Auto3DSeg models
MIT License
51 stars 8 forks source link


Extension for 3D Slicer for fully automatic AI segmentation of images using MONAI Auto3DSeg models.


Note: The developers do not claim that the tools are appropriate for any specific clinical purpose and the user is responsible for obtaining any necessary ethics or regulatory approvals.


  1. Setup your GPU driver (optional)

If you have a powerful GPU is available then a full-quality segmentation can be computed within a minutes, instead of 10 minutes or more on the CPU.

  1. Install latest version of 3D Slicer

  2. Install MONAIAuto3DSeg extension in 3D Slicer


User interface


Segmentation fails

Problem: Segmentation fails while predicting and the RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. message is found in the message log (textbox under the Apply button).

Explanation: This means that a CUDA-capable GPU is available, but it is not powerful enough for the chosen task.

Solution: It is recommended to switch to use the CPU by the following steps:

If your GPU has more than 7GB memory and you still get this error then the error message might indicate that the PyTorch CUDA version does not match the CUDA version installed on the system. Reinstall PyTorch with the correct CUDA version by following the instructions given below for GPU is not found.

GPU is not found

Problem: Your computer has a CUDA-capable GPU but MONAI reports that GPU is not available.

Explanation: CUDA may not be installed on the system or CUDA version in PyTorch does not match the system CUDA version.


Segmentation is inaccurate

If significant segmentation inaccuracy is observed then you can submit an issue to discuss it.

Fail to download model files

Model files are hosted on and downloaded automatically when segmenting the first time. Institutional firewall or proxy servers may prevent interfere with this. Potential solutions:


Training models

General guidelines

These guidelines are recommended for creating models to provide good experience for a wide range of users:

How to train a new model from scratch

This 3D Slicer extension is only for running inference. You can train the Auto3D using by following Auto3DSeg examples or tutorial.

Additional suggestions:

See this page for information on how to prepare training data and create labels.csv file using standard terminology.

Model files

Model files must be stored in a zip file.

Filename is composed as:

File content:


Contributions to this extensions are welcome. Please send a pull request with any suggested changes. 3D Slicer contribution guidelines apply.


Please post any questions to the Slicer Forum.