laster04 / Idealista-scraper

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Actor - Idealista Scraper

Idealista scraper

Since Idealista doesn't provide an API this actor should help you to retrieve data from it.

The Idealista data scraper supports the following features:

Input Parameters

The input of this scraper should be JSON containing the list of pages on Realtor that should be visited. Required fields are:

Field Type Description
district String (optional) Keyword that can be searched in Realtor search engine. When it is present, mode must be used as well.
country String (required) Select country where your search would be.
maxItems Integer (optional) You can limit scraped products. This should be useful when you search through the big subcategories.
endPage Integer (optional) Final number of page that you want to scrape. Default is Infinite. This option overrides maxItems.
startUrls Array (optional) List of Idealista URLs. You should only provide property detail or search URLs
proxy Object Proxy configuration

This solution requires the use of Proxy servers, either your own proxy servers or you can use Apify Proxy. Scraper works only with RESIDENTIAL proxies right now.


When you want to have a filtering over a search URL; go to Idealista, create filters over the serach list and copy and paste the link as one of the startUrl.

Bugs, fixes, updates and changelog

If you have any feature requests you can create an issue from here. Here is changelog with new features and bugfixes info.