latextemplates / uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template

Unofficial LaTeX template for a PhD thesis at University of Stuttgart, Germany
MIT License
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latex-template phd-thesis-template

lang: en-US # tell LTeX to spell check the file using en-US

University of Stuttgart PhD Thesis Template

Unofficial LaTeX template for PhD theses at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.

For a template for master, bachelor and other thesis, please head to the scientific thesis template.


Example PDFs



Renaming the template

You probably don't want your document to be named example. In order to change this, replace the term thesis-example by e. g. thesis-musterfrau in the following locations:

location occurrence
cover-print/cover.tex \includegraphics{../thesis-example.pdf}
.gitignore thesis-example.pdf
.gitignore thesis-example*.png
Makefile MASTER_TEX = thesis-example.tex

VSCode configuration

To use the setup in VSCode, install

Then, change the setting of LaTeX Workshop to use biber. Therefore, update the following lines in the VSCode settings.json to contain:

    "": [
            "name": "pdflatex ➞ bibtex ➞ pdflatex × 2 🔃",
            "tools": [
    "": [
            "name": "bibtex",
            "command": "biber", # make sure this is not bibtex!
            "args": [
            "env": {}

The following settings are additionally recommended:

    "editor.wordWrap": "on",                              # enable soft line breaks
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.viewer": "tab",              # display the generaded PDF in a separate tab
    "latex-workshop.view.pdf.backgroundColor": "#cccccc", # use a darker background in de PDF viewer to 
                                                            lift of the pages from it
    "": "onSave",       # automatically build on saving .tex files
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "all",                     # display all whitespaces

Alternatively, just copy and paste the contents of the vscode.settings.json file to your VSCode settings file.

LTeX tips and tricks

LTeX is an offline grammar and spell checker with support for LaTeX and Markdown.

Add a magic comment to your files to tell LTeX which language to use:

% LTeX: language=de-DE

If you want to use different langauges in the text, use the \foreignlanguage{language}{text}} command. LTeX will detect these elements and automatically switch the spell checker's lanaguge. For example:

\foreignlanguage{english}{Therefore, our proposed approach is the best in the world.}

Using with your git repository


This howto assumes that you have not a git repository for your thesis. If you have, just add as upstream and merge the branch upstream/main into your main branch.

  1. Open command line
  2. git clone
  3. cd uni-stuttgart-dissertation-template
  4. git remote rename origin github
  5. git checkout -b main

Now, you are on the main branch, where you can write your thesis and push it to your (remote) origin repository, in case you have one.

Merging updates from the template

If you want to merge updates from github, do the following:

  1. git fetch github
  2. git merge github/main