latk / p5-Util-Underscore

Util::Underscore – Common helper functions without having to import them
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Util::Underscore - Common helper functions without having to import them


version v1.4.2


use Util::Underscore;

_::croak "$foo must do Some::Role" if not _::does($foo, 'Some::Role');


This module contains various utility functions, and makes them accessible through the _ package. This allows the use of these utilities (a) without much per-usage overhead and (b) without namespace pollution.

It contains selected functions from the following modules: Carp, Const::Fast, Data::Alias, Data::Dump, List::MoreUtils, List::Util, POSIX, Scalar::Util, Try::Tiny.

Not all functions from those are available, some have been renamed, and some functions of our own have been added.


The function reference is split into separate topics which each have their own documentation:

Exception handling

The functions _::carp, _::cluck, _::croak, and _::confess from the Carp module are available. They all take a list of strings as argument. How do they differ from each other?

Fatal   Warning
------- ------- ---------------------
croak   carp    from call location
confess cluck   with full stack trace

How do they differ from Perl's builtin die and warn? The error messages of die and warn are located on the line where the exception is raised. This makes debugging hard when the error points to some internal function of a module you are using, as this provides no information on where your client code made a mistake. The Carp family of error functions report the error from the point of usage, and optionally provide stack traces. If you write a module, please use the Carp functions instead of plain die.

Additionally, the variants _::carpf, _::cluckf, _::croakf, and _::confessf are provided. These take a sprintf patterns as first argument: _::carpf "pattern", @arguments.

To handle errors, the following keywords from Try::Tiny are available:

They are all direct aliases for their namesakes in Try::Tiny.

Miscellaneous Functions

Data::Dump is an alternative to Data::Dumper. The main difference is the output format: Data::Dump output tends to be easier to read.

This module also includes an object-oriented interface to the callstack. See Util::Underscore::CallStackFrame for further details.

For invoking external commands, Perl offers the system command, various modes for open, and the backtick operator (qx//). However, these modes encourage interpolating variables directly into a string, which opens up shell injection issues. In fact, open and system can't avoid shell injection when piping or redirection is involved. The IPC::Run module avoids this by offering a flexible interface for launching and controlling external processes.


Context and Package Name

There are a variety of good utility modules like Carp or Scalar::Util. I noticed I don't import these (in order to avoid namespace pollution), but rather refer to these functions via their fully qualified names (e.g. Carp::carp). This is ultimately annoying and repetitive.

This module populates the _ package (a nod to JavaScript's Underscore.js library) with various helpers so that they can be used without having to import them, with a per-usage overhead of only three characters _::. The large number of dependencies makes this module somewhat heavyweight, but it avoids the “is any in List::Util or List::MoreUtils”-problem.

In retrospect, choosing the _ package name was a mistake: A certain part of Perl's infrastructure doesn't recognize _ as a valid package name (although Perl itself does). More importantly, Perl's filetest operators can use the magic _ filehandle which would interfere with this module if it were intended for anything else than fully qualified access to its functions. Still, a single underscore is less intrusive than some jumbled letters like Ut::any.

Scope and Function Naming

This module collects various utility functions that – in my humble opinion – should be part of the Perl language, if the main namespace wouldn't become too crowded as a result. Because everything is safely hedged into the _ namespace, we can go wild without fearing name collisions. However, a few naming conventions were adhered to:


The following modules were once considered for inclusion or were otherwise influental in the design of this collection: Data::Types, Data::Util, Params::Util, Safe::Isa.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


Lukas Atkinson (cpan: AMON)


Olivier Mengué (cpan: DOLMEN)


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Lukas Atkinson.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.