latte-central / latte-kernel

The (very) small kernel of the LaTTe proof assistant
MIT License
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The (very) small kernel of the LaTTe proof assistant in Clojure(script)

Clojars Project

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LaTTe is a proof assistant based on a type theory (a dependently-typed proof theory). This repository contains the source code of its small trusted kernel, developed as a Clojure(script) library. Its design has been driven by the following criterion:

A Mathematical Assistant satisfying the possibility of independent checking by a small program is said to satisfy the de Bruijn criterion.

see: "The Challenge of Computer Mathematics",

It is also optimized for readability rather than efficiency, but it has been tested heavily and performs quite "acceptably".


Each source file (extension .cljc) in the source directory src/latter_kernel is accompanied by its literate programming companion (extension

The following files compose the kernel:

Some auxiliary files are also used (in non-literate forms):


The kernel is a basis to develop proof assistants, not to be "consumed" directly. The literate files also explain how to develop such a kernel.

The (several) unit tests (in test/latte_kernel) can be executed using the following lein command:

lein test

or via the clojure deps :test profile

clj -A:test

This software is Copyright (C) 2018 Frederic Peschanski, under the MIT License (cf. LICENSE file)