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A book by Andranik Okroyan
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Launch and Learn Web Site Testing #2

Open theo-armour opened 6 years ago

theo-armour commented 6 years ago

Launch and Learn Web Site Testing

General guidelines for testing a new release or major update

The following tests should be carried out on multiple operating systems:

Links of Interest

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

This is fun) this is my first git comment ever Thank you so much Theo. I would love to learn more on coding


tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

This is so Epic BTW I would move the number though on the left as it will be easier to click as they will be lined up

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

I've played a bit on it. On the mobile and some people also gave feedback. If you slide and scroll down you might see nothing. I've created the folder for that.

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

Please let me know which parts I can work with as I am not good with code Although I can learn quick. Thank you very Much Theo Have a great day

theo-armour commented 6 years ago




I have added ability to select a style sheet theme


With the font, I would go for Helvetica as it became very widely known.

Select a theme to change fonts

The slide menu I would increase size it works on ipad well.

Increased size from 30px to 36pc and lowered the top a bit

About the encrypted file do you mean the download links? The PDF, Docx. They work

Add this text to original issue: Check that address is https not http.

The chapter link and the link below are separate I would keep them together. Maybe take away the smaller link and keep the larger one and smaller link.

I dropped the chapter text

I would add a dark mode for people who love to read at night so the eyes don't hurt. I would place it next to slide word on the top left.

Now you can choose a dark theme. ;-)

I would make the Read Online or Get file in the side menu in the bold style.

Increased size to header 3

I would move the number though on the left as it will be easier to click as they will be lined up


If you slide and scroll down you might see nothing.

If you scroll a lot = then the text starts appearing. This has to do with the way MS Word exports DOVX to HTML. I'm working on trying to find a fix for this.

Images in Issues

BTW, you can paste images into issues - and then see them in Preview mode.

Things you can do

Learn Markdown

Practice here

Markdown is used in GitHub, Reddit and many other places. One day you may write books using Markdown

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

Hi Theo.. 1 Love the variety of style and fonts, It makes so much sence as different people will have different styles that they prefer and naming is amaizing. ( I will though make an indication at the end of each style to show the background ) Like having a white square or black square on each one of them depending if they have a white background or dark.) ( or we can write a letter D and L ( Dark and Light ) Also probably can do a division between dark and bright with the list at the top so having them divided with the division showing the division like this

( in the drop down when not open )( ( Dark or Light theme epic styles.)
Font1 Font Font Font Font Light at the top ---- Dark at the bottom Font Font Font Font Font

2 Checked the encryption site does work on different browsers when write the

3 Would love people to have add comments and have forms in the book so they can read and monitor progress directly in the book or different link that leads them to forms. Do you think it’s possible? Also would be epic to have submit addition, edit or an idea links that follow on the side and than reader can select the area and we will know where the idea was submitted.

4 Learning Markdowns. Love the idea that you can do the chapters in tier level…. I have the same opinion


I currently use that for the second book using a different app. Have an ideas section on the left and the development of them.

5 Map 1 is not showing in the menu. It is my mistake I didn’t write chapter That’s why it’s so much better to have it instead of file format that you upload.

6 Is it possible that file will change with every edit that we do in the text directly in the GitHub?

7 I was thinking of keeping the styles still at the top as if you go to read online, you might see the themes when you finish reading it.


Thank you so much!!! Andranik

theo-armour commented 6 years ago



Love the variety of style and fonts,

Technically these are called themes.

The themes used here are from

Reload the page to see the enhanced theme selection dialog. It may take a hard reload Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-R.


Allowing comments in the era of Internet trolls is very tricky.

The current way is to register with GitHub and create an issue. It's a bit tricky but millions of peeps have done it.


Is it possible that file will change with every edit that we do in the text directly in the GitHub?

Currently the online file is HTML parsed by a JavaScript. Here is the source code:

Not easy to edit.

How about we recreate Launch and Learn online as a Markdown file split into chapters?

This could make editing a collaboration much easier

Theme selection

I was thinking of keeping the styles still at the top as if you go to read online, you might see the themes when you finish reading it.

The primary purpose of the site is to help you read the book, Selecting themes is secondary. Therefor the dropdown goes after the text lenks. No?


tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

@theo-armour I had a dream today about a mobile version of the book for phones.

++Themes Got the themes) nice A . Love the variety of style and fonts, T. Technically these are called themes. The themes used here are from Reload the page to see the enhanced theme selection dialog. It may take a hard reload Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-R.

++ Comments Era of trolls does exist I agree, as filtering the comments will be a full time job! I think keeping it on GIT also makes it secluded. T. Allowing comments in the era of Internet trolls is very tricky. The current way is to register with GitHub and create an issue. It's a bit tricky but millions of peeps have done it.

++Markdown A. That's not an easy edit that's true. We can do the markdown file split into chapters true. T Is it possible that file will change with every edit that we do in the text directly in the GitHub? Currently the online file is HTML parsed by a JavaScript. Here is the source code: Not easy to edit.----- A. How about we recreate Launch and Learn online as a Markdown file split into chapters? T. This could make editing a collaboration much easier

Theme selection A. I do agree with that purpose of the book is to have the content and theme is not as important, I was thinking in terms when you are on mobile you don't see the theme selection at all from the menu option when d you start reading it in online mode. But I agree it's not as important. Researching the markdown now. I was thinking of keeping the styles still at the top as if you go to read online, you might see the themes when you finish reading it. T. The primary purpose of the site is to help you read the book, Selecting themes is secondary. Therefor the dropdown goes after the text lenks. No?

What do you thin on the chapters img_2634

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

ok understanding git even better now

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


I'm not sure what the image of L&L on a mobile phone is about. Is the slide button not working for you?

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

Hi Theo Sorry for late response. The slide is working I was showing on the mobile that you have to scroll down to get the theme. But you are right the content is more important than theme. As mentioned before if it's possible to sort in the menu the themes in dark and white background that probably can speed up the selection process for the reader so they can find if the system doesn't allow the sorting we can always do this later.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


f it's possible to sort in the menu the themes in dark and white background that probably can speed up the selection process for the reader s

If you use a computer the select theme box shows the primary colors of the screen:


Phones do not seem to display select boxes the same way - they are shown in a much more primitive manner. I will investigate.

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

Strange didn't show on safari so maybe browser specific

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


Safari is a very old-timey browser. Very out of date technology.

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

got it. You think firefox or chrome. Chrome likes to eat my ram ?

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

Just checked . For mac it's safari on performance. I run many apps and chrome used to slow down the machine down to the hult

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


My guess is that people who work/write about mostly/closely with Apply products will vote for Apple apps and people who work in a broader arena will more frequently select non-Apple apps


I write software for the web. It's important for me to use the tools most people use.

Feautures - see browser scores

As a designer have to look at what will be available years from now - and try to forget the past.

Chrome consistently delivers the closest results to the latest specs of

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago


On smaller phones it provides issue. Maybe what we can do is on mobile and on laptop to have the side menut closed and start from this page instead.

Or r2 link but when you click on the chapters it will only show the chapter not the whole book.

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

True I will switch to most popular instead as we are writing for that at the end of the day.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


My Chrome debugger says an iPhone 5/5SE screen looks like this with the tab out:


Then if you swipe horizontally or click the slide button you will see this:


Swipe the other way to see the tab again. A future revision should add swiping up and down to go to next/previous chapters.

We should also remember that the current functionality is based for a web site that allows you to download the book and do other things. New functionality is creeping in fast. ;-) this is cool but we should always try and keep in mind what is the whole web presence about and what is it doing.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago

See new fork:

8 User interface for selecting themes

tocloudnine commented 6 years ago

the read me online doesn't work, The online R2 does

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


Kindly start a new issue. The idea is that issues should be single threaded so they can be closed.

Also, after a major update you may have to do a hard reload to get things to work again.

theo-armour commented 6 years ago


looks like the 'View online' is broken