laurenwilner / github_training_site

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Git and GitHub for Public Health

This is the GitHub repository for the website "Git and GitHub for Public Health".

Overview of the Training

Keeping track of changes to your statistical code is key to reducing errors and boosting teamwork in your projects. However, many public health professionals, including epidemiologists, haven’t been trained on how to manage these changes, which might leave you wondering about the integration with institutional review board (IRB) protocols and privacy rules. On this website, we dive into the basics of Git and GitHub. We’re here to show you how these tools can help you confidently and ethically manage your code changes, making your work and research smoother and more secure.

Live workshop outline

May 3

Section Length Time Who
3 (Intro + Why Git/GH) 5 mins 8:30-8:35 Corinne
4 (Jargon) 20 mins 8:35-8:55 Corinne
5 (Terminal/Bash) 5 mins 8:55-9:00 Lauren
6 (Names) 5 mins 9:00-9:05 Lauren
Break 15 mins 9:05-9:20 NA
7 (Solo) 90 mins 9:20-10:50 Corinne
Break 15 mins 10:50-11:05 NA
8 (Group) 60 mins 11:05-12:05 Lauren
9 (What to track) 10 mins 12:05-12:15 Corinne
11 (Misc + conclusion) 10 mins 12:15-12:25 Corinne

June 18

Section Length Time Who
3 (Intro + Why Git/GH) 5 mins 1:00-1:05 Corinne
4 (Jargon) 20 mins 1:05-1:25 Corinne
5 (Terminal/Bash) 5 mins 1:25-1:30 Lauren
6 (Names) 5 mins 1:30-1:35 Lauren
Break 15 mins 1:35-1:50 NA
7 (Solo) 90 mins 1:50-3:20 Corinne
Break 15 mins 3:20-3:35 NA
8 (Group) 60 mins 3:35-4:35 Lauren
9 (What to track) 10 mins 4:35-4:45 Corinne
11 (Misc + conclusion) 10 mins 4:45-4:55 Corinne