lavolp3 / MMM-AVStock

MagicMirror module for displaying stock price with Alphavantage API
MIT License
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Suggestion: Font and/or text size change? #37

Closed koles0ff closed 3 years ago

koles0ff commented 3 years ago


Please reply if there is possibility to change the module font? Currently it differs a lot from other modules and Stock table looks huge :) For example, here is my setup: Would be great to have possibility to make font thinner (maybe disabling bold header?) or zoom the whole table to 70-80%. Additionally, the status line of "last quote" does not change its position depending on the module location. Would be nice to have it on the left for position = left_smth and on the right if position =righ_smth

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

Is your issue fixed with the latest merges in the meantime?

koles0ff commented 3 years ago

Is your issue fixed with the latest merges in the meantime?

Hmm.. do not see any changes after update. Should I add some new value(s) to config?

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

yes, the module works now with the classes config option. So you can give it a class according tho the MM standard: xsmall, small, normal, large, xlarge Have a look in the README.

koles0ff commented 3 years ago

Ok, got it, thanks. It made font much better, however, this whole module looks still a bit strange:

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

If you want the whole module to be 400px wide you need to set width: 400 chartWidth is only for setting the specific chart width. The width parameter defines the width of the module.

koles0ff commented 3 years ago

I tried this at first place, but this messed up the module completely:

This is my current config:

  module: "MMM-AVStock",
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
        apiKey : "apikey",
        symbols : ["EURRUB","USDRUB"],
        showChart: true,
        classes: "xsmall",
        width: 400,

        timeFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

same error as #41 but I can't reproduce it here... Tried this just today on my mirror with a fresh install of v2.3.0 and it showed perfectly. Will have to look further into that. I have a feeling that the error is due to electron and positioning of elements in a flex grid. If yes, we have a problem :-)

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

which MM version do you have installed? Do you have the latest version? master or develop branch?

koles0ff commented 3 years ago

Latest one, master branch. Same bug I see with web version, BTW.

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

What happens if you include

direction: 'column'

in your config?

koles0ff commented 3 years ago

Yeee! We have this awesome result:

lavolp3 commented 3 years ago

Good, keep it that way for now. With the next update I will set column as default. For now it's difficult for me to see why this does not work.