lavolp3 / MMM-AVStock

MagicMirror module for displaying stock price with yfinance API
MIT License
38 stars 18 forks source link


MagicMirror module for displaying stock price using the Alphavantage API.











cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-AVStock
npm install


No Key needed anymore! Yay!



  module: "MMM-AVStock",
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
    symbols : ["AAPL", "GOOGL", "TSLA"],
    alias: ["APPLE", "GOOGLE", "TESLA"],


    module: "MMM-AVStock",
    position: "top_left", //"bottom_bar" is better for `mode:ticker`
    config: {
        timeFormat: "DD-MM HH:mm",
        width: null,
        symbols : ["AAPL", "GOOGL", "TSLA"],
        alias: ["APPLE", "GOOGLE", "TESLA"],
        purchasePrice: [123.45, 1234.56, 12.34],
        tickerDuration: 20,
        chartDays: 90,
        maxTableRows: null,
        mode : "table",                  // "table" or "ticker"
        showChart: true,
        pureLine: false,
        chartWidth: null,
        showVolume: true,
        chartInterval: "daily",          // choose from ["intraday", "daily", "weekly", "monthly"]
        decimals : 2,
        chartType: 'line',                // 'line', 'candlestick', or 'ohlc'
        alternateGridColor: '#223344',
        chartLineColor: '#eee',
        chartLabelColor: '#eee',
        coloredCandles: true,
        showPurchasePrices: true,
        showPerformance2Purchase: true,
        debug: false

Configuration Options

Option Type Default Description
mode string 'table' Use 'table' for table mode, 'ticker' for ticker mode, or 'grid' for a grid mode.
width integer null Width of every module element. Sets the distinctive width of table, ticker, chart, or grid. If you keep this unchanged, width will be set to 100%. Apart from '100%', please use integer values!
classes string 'small' Set classes known from module classes (xsmall, small, bright, dimmed etc.)
direction string 'row' You can set row or column. setting row will place chart next to the table/grid/ticker as long as there is enough space available. Only works with width option set to a value
timeFormat string 'DD-MM HH:mm' Format of dates to be shown. Use moment.js format style here
symbols array ["AAPL", "GOOGL", "TSLA"] Array of stock symbols
alias array [] Array of aliases to replace the stock symbol. Leave all or each empty to show the symbol name.
maxTableRows integer null Set maximum table rows to paginate table with more symbols than rows.
purchasePrice array of numbers [] Array of own purchase prices
showPurchasePrices boolean false Whether to show the own purchase prices.
showPerformance2Purchase boolean false Whether to show the total performace compared to the own purchase prices.
tickerDuration integer 20 Determines ticker speed
chartDays integer 90 Number of days to show in the chart. (Max 90 days!)
showChart boolean true Whether to show the chart.
alternateGridColor string '#223344' Use 3- or 6-digit hex numbers as strings here. Change to something like '#000' if you want to have a completely black chart.
pureLine boolean false Set true to remove axes and gridlines (and volume) to show a pure line (or candlesticks)
chartWidth integer null Determines width of chart, separate from overall width above
chartInterval string 'daily' Chart interval. Currently only daily supported!
showVolume boolean true Show volume bars in the chart.
movingAverage object { type: "SMA", periods: [200]} movingAverages to include in the graph. Use EMA or SMA type and an array of all moving averages you want to see. Consider that every MA uses an own API call.
decimals integer Number of decimals.
chartType string line Use line, candlestick, or ohlc
chartLineColor string #eee Color of line chart
chartLabelColor string #eee Color of chart labels
coloredCandles boolean true Whether to use colored candles or OHLC bars.
debug boolean false Debug mode: additional output on server side (console) and client side (browser)


[x] Use another API! [x] Grid view [x] Support purchase Price in all modes [ ] Fix Volume bars (not showing correct colors due to highcharts' grouping function [ ] Support technicals (EMA, SMA)