lavolp3 / MMM-AVStock

MagicMirror module for displaying stock price with Alphavantage API
MIT License
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Change Size? #77

Open Durahl opened 1 month ago

Durahl commented 1 month ago


Is there a way to change the size of the Module to like 75% or 50%?

My current Setup would have it being displayed as a top_center one but it's so large it bleeds into the top_leftand top_right ๐Ÿ˜‘

Thanks in advance and cheers!

lavolp3 commented 1 month ago

You can control width and height of the module with the widthand heightparameters in the config. Try them out.

For the font size, try using the native config parameters provided by the magicmirror framework.

E.g. try out adding classes: "xsmall" or classes: "small" in your config, just below the module name.

    module: "MMM-AVStock",
    position: "top_center",
    classes: "xsmall",
    config: {
Durahl commented 1 month ago

Soo... When I config the Widget with the Simple Mode it'll work but said mode doesn't contain the required Settings: Screenshot 2024-06-17 142942 When I config the Widget with the Detailed Mode the screen will remain blank ( black - No other Widgets either ): Screenshot 2024-06-17 142803

I tried just adding the width ( and height ) setting into the Simple Mode but with the numbers I punched in it breaks the entire thing out of whack. Any suggestions what to enter for an about 50% value? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ

lavolp3 commented 4 weeks ago

Thank you for pointing out an error in the extended config. There was an error. The config entry locale: config.language does not work anymore. I'll change the readme accordingly.

PLease use your working config from before. I also found that the module already uses small fontsize.

Is the fontsize too big or the table overall? Can you post a screenshot of the module in action?

Durahl commented 4 weeks ago

Below is Photo of it: 20240618_093019033_iOS It is basically large enough to bleed into all the surrounding Widgets ( top_left, top_right and middle_center ) and could probably do with something like reduction to 60% ( height and width ) to match the scale of the top Widgets? ๐Ÿค”

lavolp3 commented 3 weeks ago

You should be able to adjust the width of the module.

Just add in the config:

    width: 400,

Or try smaller or bigger values

lavolp3 commented 3 weeks ago

For the height issue, try to play with height: 200 Or remove the volume bars

showVolume: false
Durahl commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the "late" reply... I had actually prepared my response with my findings but apparently never sent it? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ

Adding width: 400, worked like a charm, even the suggested value was pretty much spot on.

height: 200, ( I assume the , is necessary ) on the other hand did absolutely nothing - Also trying values like 150 / 100 seemed to have no influence on the Layout. The configuration Options don't mention height as an option to begin with - Are you certain this option was implemented? ๐Ÿ˜