lavolp3 / MMM-Keyboard

A MagicMirror module displaying a virtual keyboard for touch devices. The keyboard can be used to send any input to other modules.
MIT License
4 stars 4 forks source link


Example image

A module for the MagicMirror² that creates a virtual keyboard to be used to send commands or text to other modules



Step 1 - Install the module

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-Keyboard
npm install

Step 2 - Add module to config.js

Add this configuration into your config.js file

    module: "MMM-Keyboard",
    position: "fullscreen_above",
    config: {
        startWithNumbers: false,
        startUppercase: true,
        debug: false



Go to the module’s folder /MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Keyboard and pull the latest version from GitHub:

git pull
npm install

Configuration options

Option type default Description
language string config.language The language. You can override the MM settings here.
swype boolean false Activate swipe mode (experimental!) (not implemented yet)
alwaysShow boolean false Always show keyboard. (not implemented yet)
startWithNumbers boolean false Start keyboard with 'numbers' layout
startUppercase boolean true Always start with uppercase letters
debug boolean false Debug mode for additional console output. Will also create a keyboard button to activate the keyboard.

Working with the Keyboard

Opening the keyboard

The keyboard works with MagicMirror's notification system. You can broadcast notifications from another module using the following parameters

this.sendNotification("KEYBOARD", {
    key: "uniqueKey",
    style: "default",
    data: {},

The payload of the notification must be an object containing two parameters:
key: You can use any unique key, it is advised to use the module name. MMM-Keyboard will take the key and send it back for the module to understand it.
style: Use "default" or "numbers" here.
data: Any data you want to transfer. E.g. if the keyboard input should be allocated to a certain element.

Receiving data

As soon as you hit the "SEND!"-Button the keyboard sends back the written content using the format

this.sendNotification("KEYBOARD_INPUT", {
    key: "uniqueKey",
    message: "test",
    data: {}

The data object is the same you have send with your notification.
You can fetch the message by checking for the key component. Here an example:

notificationReceived : function (notification, payload) {
    if (notification == "KEYBOARD_INPUT" && payload.key === "uniqueKey") {

Implemented modules


For further implementations, contact me or send it as an issue here!



Thanks go to