lawrenceleejr / FragmentationStudy

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Produce 2D Histograms, and then Violin Plots #19

Open lawrenceleejr opened 1 year ago

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

@cbell1402 will create root files with histograms for:

And then @cbell1402 will work with @jslawless to produce split violin plots.

cbell1402 commented 1 year ago

The root files have been created and added here. For some reason, eeToZgamma_50k_4TeV has few events. But the 1TeV version is fine. Any ideas why?

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think this is for the reason we said last week. That in the pT range we're looking at, the only way to get jets there is to have them be soft radiation, so they're suppressed by a large factor. If you look at higher pT, the bulk of the jets are just up there.

jslawless commented 1 year ago

eeToJJJ_50k_1TeV_n90 eeToJJJ_50k_4TeV_n90 eeToZgamma_50k_1TeV_n90 eeToZgamma_50k_4TeV_n90 eeToZZToJJ_50k_1TeV_n90 eeToZZToJJ_50k_500GeV_n90

jslawless commented 1 year ago

Does this look about expected?

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Thanks @jslawless! It's... unfortunately a bit hard to say. The color single cases do seem a bit flatter by eye, but I guess we do need more precise plots to really compare carefully (instead of me holding up a piece of paper to my screen). I'm hoping the n50 will look a little more different. But the split violins (and then adding in some profile plots on top of them) will be important to see any differences.

I just hacked together a split violin plot in keynote:

Screen Shot 2023-02-09 at 9 30 07 AM

This is between the 4 TeV ZGamma versus the 1 TeV JJJ (I think the 4 TeV JJJ would have looked similar). So that looks pretty good!! I think we have the histograms we need and now's just a game of making the plots look nice and really sell the message.

@jslawless if you want to drop a zip file or tarball or something of all the plots here, that would be helpful so we can play around while we also work on the split violins and whatever profile info we want to add at the end.

jslawless commented 1 year ago

jslawless commented 1 year ago

There's all my plots. I'm close to making the split violins, but a few hiccups are left.

jslawless commented 1 year ago

Missing some axes and axes values, but got a split violin plot working. This is for the N80 case. image

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Just for our notes, the above plot is 4 TeV ee collisions for both processes. This looks great. Johnny is investigating drawing the behavior of the means to make it a bit easier to see the trends. Can you also try playing with the cut option to extend those vertical lines farther? And cut off the y axis at 0 since negative is unphysical.

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

We can also then set inner to none.

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Consolidating to an actual task list for the drawing style because I was on my phone last night for the above messages.

jslawless commented 1 year ago

Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 11 07 16 AM Got some of the more basic things done. I'll start playing around with the more advanced stuff.

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Nice. Updating todo list adding and removing some things:

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 11 13 22 AM
lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

Comparisons for: {n50, n80, n90}

4 TeV JJJ vs (4 TeV) Z+gamma (already above for n80) 1 TeV JJJ vs (1 TeV) ZZ

@cbell1402 can you:

And we can focus on the samples needed for the two comparisons at the top of this message.

cbell1402 commented 1 year ago

Updated here. I added the new root files here.

enibigir commented 1 year ago

Comparisons for: {n50, n80, n90}

4 TeV JJJ vs (4 TeV) Z+gamma (already above for n80) 1 TeV JJJ vs (1 TeV) ZZ

@cbell1402 can you:

  • Commit your latest code with the nXX plot creation?
  • Can you change the binning in your histograms such that the number of y bins is 100.
  • And for the n50 plots, can you set the y upper limit to 10 (from 20)

And we can focus on the samples needed for the two comparisons at the top of this message.

I have performed the Herwig showering and the files can be found on serf with "herwig" in the file name.

jslawless commented 1 year ago


Got all of the technical details done. There's some weirdness that I don't understand in the where the labels end up for some of them, but I can manually set that plot by plot if we need those plots. I wonder if there's maybe something weird happening such that the xbin edges aren't consistent across all the histograms.

Anyway, now I can set details as we like, like color, font, title, spacing and such.