lawrenceleejr / FragmentationStudy

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Using MadGraph, we aim to produce particle level samples of pure QCD, like:

e+ e- > j j j

(And later we may want to have p p > j j j)

and also samples that happen via boosted color singlets such as

e+ e- > z a (z > j j)

And then we'll compare their fragmentation as a function of lab frame pT.

Run on LHE file and produce hepmc file


Run using vincia shower


The above command compile and run The main command is ./main00 -e -1 -s {} -f {}, where -e is number of events (-1 over all generated events), and -s for shower mode and -f for LHE input file.

The output is HEPMC file with same basename as LHE input file defined inside run_pythia.

Note: To run pythia shower use ./run_pythia 1

Run on HEPMC file and produce ROOT TREE

Make ROOT tree using Delphes that reads the hepmc file.

./run_delphes card.tcl input_hepmc_file


./run_delphes input_root_file results_name