lawrenceleejr / FragmentationStudy

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Pythia Parameters to play with #4

Open lawrenceleejr opened 1 year ago

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

@enibigir nicely pointed out that there are lots of options for the color reconnection model in Pythia. We may want to study these eventually once we have a first version of the plot, we can generate new samples with these other options and see how they affect the behaviors.

This is for much later though. Storing here for safe keeping.

lawrenceleejr commented 1 year ago

In the end, if turning off basically every reasonable thing in Pythia somehow doesn't make the shape flat, we may want to ask what other Parton shower models say. e.g. we could ask what Herwig says.

And then in the end, it would also be interesting to look in some data. I'm getting access to some LEP data now for this, but that won't be very boosted. In which case we can look into some LHC open data.

cbell1402 commented 1 year ago

On this page I've turned off as many settings as a I can between Timelike Showers and Bose-Einstein Effects. I've turned this off in groups. Some are giving me issues. These are:

I'm going to continue to mess with these settings and others.