This repo includes the source code of the paper: "LSTM Pose Machines" (CVPR'18) by Yue Luo, Jimmy Ren, Zhouxia Wang, Wenxiu Sun, Jinshan Pan, Jianbo Liu, Jiahao Pang, Liang Lin.
Contact: Yue Luo (
You can click the images below to watch our results on video-based pose estimation. The first one is the comparison with the state-of-the-art single image pose estimation method "Convolutional Pose Machines(CPMs)" on videos. Second one is our LSTM Pose Machines on video pose estimation.
The code is tested on 64 bit Linux (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). You should also install Matlab (R2015a) and OpenCV (At least 2.4.8). We have tested our code on GTX TitanX with CUDA8.0+cuDNNv5. Please install all these prerequisites before running our code.
git clone
cd LSTM_Pose_Machines
Build the code. Please follow Caffe instruction to install all necessary packages and build it.
cd caffe/
# Modify Makefile.config according to your Caffe installation/. Remember to allow CUDA and CUDNN.
make -j8
make matcaffe
, and run
to download PENN and JHMDB datasets..mat
files, please go to directory dataset/PENN
and dataset/JHMDB
, and run the matlab scripts JHMDB_PreData.m
and PENN_PreData.m
respectively. It will take some time to prepare
after downloading it. If you hope to train it by yourself, we also provide the prototxts in training/prototxt/preModel
. You can train this model with our prototxts using the codes released by CPMs. This single image model is trained on LEEDS Sport Dataset and MPII
to run video_train_JHMDB.m
or video_train_PENN.m
. You can also run the matlab scripts from terminal at directorytraining/
by following commands. By default matlab is installed under /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a
. If the location of your matlab is not the same, please modify
if want to run the scripts from terminal.
Notice that, if you want to train our LSTM Pose Machines on sub-JHMDB datasets, please modify line 10
of video_train_JHMDB.m
and set the correct subset ID before your run this script. ## To run the training matlab scripts from terminal
sh prototxt/PENN/LSTM_5/ #To trained on PENN dataset
## Or
sh prototxt/sub-JHMDB/LSTM_5_Sub1/ #To trained on sub-JHMDB subset 1, change `line 10` of `video_train_JHMDB.m` to be `modelID = 1` first.
sh prototxt/sub-JHMDB/LSTM_5_Sub2/ #To trained on sub-JHMDB subset 2, change `line 10` of `video_train_JHMDB.m` to be `modelID = 2` first.
sh prototxt/sub-JHMDB/LSTM_5_Sub3/ #To trained on sub-JHMDB subset 3, change `line 10` of `video_train_JHMDB.m` to be `modelID = 3` first.
and model/sub-JHMDB/
. Specify the model ID you want to test by modifying line 15
of benchmark.m
and setting the correct benchmark_modelID
. Then you can run
which runs the matlab test script to get our evaluation results. Please look in
and modify the matlab bin location and -logfile
name before running this script.testing/predicts/
. You can play with the results by ploting predicted locations on images.Orders of the predicted accuracy for two datasets will be as follows:
## PENN Dataset
Head R_Shoulder L_Shoulder R_Elbow L_Elbow R_Wrist L_Wrist R_Hip L_Hip R_Knee L_Knee R_Ankle L_Ankle || Overall
98.90% 98.50% 98.60% 96.60% 96.60% 96.60% 96.50% 98.20% 98.20% 97.90% 98.50% 97.30% 97.70% || 97.73%
## sub-JHMDB Dataset
Neck Belly Head R_Shoulder L_Shoulder R_Hip L_Hip R_Elbow L_Elbow R_Knee L_Knee R_Wrist L_Wrist R_Ankle L_Ankle || Overall
99.20% 98.97% 98.27% 96.67% 96.13% 98.83% 98.63% 90.17% 89.10% 96.40% 94.80% 85.93% 86.17% 91.90% 89.90% || 94.09%
To get the results in our paper, you need to remove unlisted joints, calculate average and reorder the accuracy.
, run visualization.m
to visually get our predicted result on PENN dataset. Make sure your have already run the testing script for PENN before visualizing the results.Please cite our paper if you find it useful for your work:
title={LSTM Pose Machines},
author={Yue Luo, Jimmy Ren, Zhouxia Wang, Wenxiu Sun, Jinshan Pan, Jianbo Liu, Jiahao Pang, Liang Lin},