This PowerShell script help you monitor Active Directory groups and send an email when someone is performing a change on the membership.
I wrote a few articles about this script if you are interested to learn more about it:
Contributions are welcome via pull requests and issues. Please see our contributing guide for more details
Thanks to our contributors!:
Thanks to our wonderful contributors!! We extend our sincere appreciation to you!
You can install the script directly from the PowerShell Gallery.
Install-Script -name Monitor-ADGroupMembership
Install-Script -name Monitor-ADGroupMembership
On frequent question I get for this script is how to use the Task Scheduler to run this script.
The trick here is to handle the quotes. You need to add back slashes "\" to handle them.
Here is an example:
"C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -command "C:\Scripts\LazyWinAdmin\Monitor-ADGroupMembership.ps1 -group \"Domain Admins\",\"Group1\",\"Enterprise Admins\",\"Group2\",\"Group3\",\"Group4\",\"Group5\",\"Group6\" -Emailfrom \"\" -Emailto \"\" -Emailserver \"smtp.mydomain.local\""
You can specify the group Name, SID(Security Identifier), GUID(Globally Unique IDentifier) or DN (Distinguished Name). Group name like 'DOMAIN\GROUPNAME' will also work.
Comparing The membership of each group is saved in a CSV file "DOMAIN_GROUPNAME-membership.csv" If the file does not exist, the script will create one, so the next time it will be able to compare the membership with this file.
Change History Each time a change is detected (Add or Remove an Account (Nested or Not)) a CSV file will be generated with the following name: "DOMAIN_GROUPNAME-ChangesHistory-yyyyMMdd-hhmmss.csv"
When generating the HTML Report, the script will add this Change History to the Email (if there is one to add)
Reporting Here is an example of report generated when a change is detected. You can see the user 'catfx' was removed from the group FX\FXGROUP Also, If the script find some Change History files for this group, it will be added to the report. Finally at the end of the report, information on when, where and who ran the script.
.\Monitor-ADGroupMembership.ps1 -group "FXGroup01","FXGroup02" -Emailfrom Reporting@fx.lab -Emailto "Catfx@fx.lab" -EmailServer -Verbose
You'll notice that the script is creating folders and files. At this point you won't get any email report. Example:
.\Monitor-ADGroupMembership.ps1 -group "FXGroup01","FXGroup02" -Emailfrom Reporting@fx.lab -Emailto "Catfx@fx.lab" -EmailServer -Verbose
VERBOSE: Creating the Output Folder : C:\LazyWinAdmin\Monitor-ADGroupMembership\Output
VERBOSE: Creating the ChangeHistory Folder : C:\LazyWinAdmin\Monitor-ADGroupMembership\ChangeHistory
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - The following file did not exist: FX_FXGROUP01-membership.csv
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Exporting the current membership information into the file:
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Comparing Current and Before
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Compare Block Done !
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - No Change
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - The following file did not exist: FX_FXGROUP02-membership.csv
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - Exporting the current membership information into the file:
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - Comparing Current and Before
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - Compare Block Done !
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - No Change
VERBOSE: Script Completed
Two directories and two files are created:
Output Directory contains the 2 files for each monitored groups
Each file contains the current membership of each groups. Since these are empty the script just create the following file with two properties SamAccountName and Name with the value "No User or Group"
The ChangeHistory Directory is empty at this point since no change was observed by the script.
If I re-run the script we will get the following output. The script does not see any change in the membership by comparing the content of the file FX_FXGROUP01-membership.csv and the current membership in Active Directory for this group.
Ok now let's make one change and add one account in FXGROUP01 and run the script again.
PS C:\LazyWinAdmin\Monitor-ADGroupMembership> .\Monitor-ADGroupMembership.ps1 -group "FXGroup01","FXGroup02" -Emailfrom Reporting@fx.lab -Emailto "Catfx@fx.lab" -EmailServer -Verbose
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - The following file Exists: FX_FXGROUP01-membership.csv
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Comparing Current and Before
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Compare Block Done !
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Some changes found
DateTime : 20131118-08:51:10
State : Removed
DisplayName :
SamAccountName : No User or Group
DN :
DateTime : 20131118-08:51:10
State : Added
DisplayName :
SamAccountName : fxtest
DN : CN=fxtest,CN=Users,DC=FX,DC=LAB
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Get the change history for this group
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Change history files: 0
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Save changes to a ChangesHistory file
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Preparing the notification email...
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Email Sent.
VERBOSE: FXGroup01 - Exporting the current membership to FX_FXGROUP01-membership.csv
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - The following file Exists: FX_FXGROUP02-membership.csv
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - Comparing Current and Before
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - Compare Block Done !
VERBOSE: FXGroup02 - No Change
VERBOSE: Script Completed
As you can see One account was added "fxtest" and the default "No User or Group" was removed by the script
Here is the workflow of the script
See changelog.txt file.
See TODO file.