lbroseus / SIRFindeR

Stable Estimation of Intron Retention levels from RNA-seq data
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SIRFindeR: Stable Estimation of Intron Retention levels from RNA-seq data

SIRFindeR is an R package for detecting and quantifying Intron Retention levels using Second and Third Generation RNA-Sequencing data.

Package installation

So as to install SIRFindeR in a R session from GitHub, you will need the R package devtools. You can install it using:


Then, install SIRFindeR with:

devtools::install_github("lbroseus/SIRFindeR", build_vignette = TRUE)

Using SIRFindeR

Guidelines to run SIRFindeR on short or long RNA-seq data can be found in the accompanying Tutorial; or within a R session:




  1. Broseus and Ritchie. Challenges in detecting and quantifying intron retention from RNA-seq data. CSBJ. (2020)
  2. Broseus and Ritchie. S-IRFindeR: stable and accurate measurement of intron retention. bioRXiv. (2020)