lbuttignol / football-test

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The goal is to make a project that exposes an API with an HTTP GET in this URI: /import-league/{leagueCode} . E.g., it must be possible to invoke the service using this URL: http://localhost:<port>/import-league/CL

The service implementation must get data using the given {leagueCode}, by making requests to the API (you can see the documentation entering to the site, use the API v2), and import the data into a DB (MySQL is suggested, but you can use any DB of your preference). The data requested is:

Competition ("name", "code", "areaName")
Team ("name", "tla", "shortName", "areaName", "email")
Player("name", "position", "dateOfBirth", "countryOfBirth", "nationality")

Feel free to add to this data structure any other field that you might need (for the foreign keys relationship).

Additionally, expose an HTTP GET in URI /total-players/{leagueCode} , with a simple JSON response like this:

{"total" : N } and HTTP Code 200.

Where N is the total amount of players belonging to all teams that participate in the given league (leagueCode). This service must rely exclusively on the data saved inside the DB (it must not access the API If the given leagueCode is not present into the DB, it should respond an HTTP Code 404.

Once you have finished the project, you must upload all the relevant files inside a ZIP compressed file. It must include all the sources, plus the files related to project configuration and/or dependency management.



To run this application must have docker in your server:

Running This App

From the home folder, run the following commands:

For the very first build:

The server can be hit at http://localhost:3000/

The MySQL database will be running inside a docker container, to access must run : docker exec -it football-test_db_1 /bin/bash