lch32111 / ChanGameEngine

My personal 3D game engine
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This is my personal game engine, which is a kind of experiment lab for me. I've started this project as the game engine project, but it's just becoming my experiment. However, I still have the goal to make my own game engine.

the program structure and the build system of this project is not good because I didn't know anything about those topics when I started this project. But I've experienced the game engine development in the company. Now, I am ready to change this project. Before doing that, I can show what I did with this project.

2018.08 ~ 2019.01

I started this project for my portfolio to get a job as game engine / graphics programmer. I studied the math, OpenGL, game physics and so on to make my own game engine. During this period, I implemented the basic graphics and physics parts of the game engine. This is the final scene I made with my engine :


Here is the editing gif of the scene :


you can see the video of this here.

While I was doing this project, I implemented these things:




2020.12 ~ 2021.01

I had stopped this project after I got the job as a game engine programmer. But I have an interest in the high quality rendering, especially using ray tracing. So, I got enough time at this period to study a little of the ray tracing. This is the simple scene I made with the ray tracing :


I Implemented these for this ray-traced scene :

In addition to the above, I used the threads to accelerate the ray tracing by separating the pixels with some threads.

Because I'm using the Graphics Codex to improve my graphics ability, I am going to study BSDF, Path Tracing, Photon Mapping, and so on. Before going deeper on this, I realized that I don't have enough base knowledge on statistics. So I've decided to study it. After that, I can restart this ray tracing work.