Based on Antonio Rinaldi's suggestion: access to OpenCV is declared once in /xTools as a constant.Easier to adapt or modifiy to new version of OpenCV.
Then path to libs is relative to the included Framework (e.g @executable_path/../Frameworks/OSX/libopencv_world.3.0.0.dylib)
So build app is fully usable in a system where OpenCV is not installed
Note: @executable_path/../Frameworks is only for Mac Users Linux and Windows Users have to use absolute path to libs
New samples addedPre-compiled libraries for OSX, Linux and Windows added
Enjoy :)
You must use 32-bit version of OpenCV and ffmpeg dynamically linked libraries. Work under progress at Xojo for 64-bit!
The code is under development. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
Optimization for xojo projects
2015-09-13: A new module in OpenCV folder (xTools) for converting OpenCV images to Xojo Picture
2015-09-14: New video directory : how to read movies with openCV
2015-09-14: Updated samples for OSX and Windows 10
2015-09-16: Updated samples with trackbar and mouse events
2015-09-17: objdetect and calib3d modules implemented
2015-09-23: imgproc and core modules are completed. New samples included
Very easy. Just unzip the downloaded file and open OpenCVX code with Xojo IDE. Then drag the OpenCVX folder to any application requiring OpenCV image processing.
OPenCVX folder contains different modules that give access to various OpenCV functions that are declared as External Methods.
Inside each module there is a constant (e.g. core, immproc, highgui..) which is linked to OpenCV libraries.
PLease update values according to your OS.
Several programs which demonstrate how to use OpenCV with Xojo are included in the samples directory . These programs allow to play with camera and images. Some morphological operators sample are introduced